The Calling for a journey

"We must adventure to know where we truly belong."


Location: The Pure Heavens Prison

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Damn them!"

"And that boy too! Where did he get the courage to talk to me, a great celestial, this way!"

"If it weren't for these damn "holy" clouds I would have taught that brat a lesson!" shouted the voice furiously.

"Hehe... at least I know I interfered in the plans of the so-called "holy ones"!"

"I have to thank you my old friends, If it weren't for you, I never would have been able to meet this boy and change his destiny, like you did before me."

"Rogen, you cunning little kid! I hope they haven't gotten you yet my little junior," declared the voice, while slowly fading away.

Following this the majestic clouds became calm once more, as if nothing had happened.

In an unknown location and time:

Somewhere in a very dark area, there was a man sitting on a marble throne. On this throne there nothing worth noticing, it was simple and plain. Yet when one looked at the person sitting on the throne, there was a stark difference.

The person sitting in the throne had black bandages tied all over his body, the only thing that could be seen were his eyes. His eyes had a deep azure colour to them, but it couldn't hide the small yet strong radiating hint of greyish sparks in his eyes.

The presence of this man, was similar to that of an emperor sitting on a throne, not caring about anything beneath him, for anything beneath an emperor was nothing but an ant.

The man only sat on the throne and stared into the void, not doing anything else. As it seemed this could continue for forever, suddenly the man closed his eyes and spoke.

"Has the egg hatched yet, number 2?" enquired the man on the throne.

"No my lord. For some reason we cannot do anything to this egg!"

"It seems like the egg needs something specific to make it hatch." considered number 2.

Following this there was only silence once more.

After a while that seemed like an eternity, something happened.

The man on the throne opened his eyes once more and gazed at the man called number 2.

His eyes were so sharp and bright it seemed like they could pierce though anything.

The man then spoke in a very solemn manner.

"Find out whatever it is and get it, no matter the cost."

"Do not fail me again, number 2 otherwise, there will be no more second chances," demanded the man as he closed his eyes once more.

"Yes my lord!" murmured number 2 as he faded back into the darkness.

Location: Mine district 5, Quadrant H

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

In an extremely deep and wide canyon, where the sun couldn't even reach into it, there were thousands upon thousands of people in chains mining. The canyon was so wide that even though there were so many people, it seemed as if the canyon was quite empty.

Among the people in the chains, there were huge men built like mountains, who had fur-like clothes on and held whips and spears in their hands. These men stared at the people in chains with gazes that seemed like they could kill. As if they were waiting for anyone to make a mistake, so that they could punish them.

Leading from the canyon were numerous tunnels leading to other underground caverns. Here too were many other people also mining. Within one of these caverns, there was a man with a large and tanned build, mining in a corner. This man was Phillip. While Phillip was mining, he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

"Phillip, the leaders have agreed to gather tonight to hear what you have to say." announced the voice in in his head.

"Good, make sure everything is prepared. I don't want anyone finding out about this." ordered Philip silently as he continued to mine.

"Understood!" as the voice said that, there was only the sound of Phillip's mining and nothing else.

Following this Phillip smiled and softly murmured:

"The time has come for an uprising, those arrogant fools will regret what they did to us. We will rise and break free from these chains of oppression!" Phillip quickly glanced around to see if anyone had heard him.

Determining that no one was there, he turned back to where he was mining and continued with what he was previously doing.

Location: Freezing Mountains of the Unending Primal Forest

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Senior sister, why are we still at these mountains? We already found and retrieved what we were looking for. What other reason is there now for us to stay here?" asked a young girl in a white, light blue robe. This girl looked to be around ten years old.

She had chubby cheeks and silky tied up hazelnut brown hair. Her eyes had a dark blue colour to them, with a tint of golden sparks.

"Sigh! I don't know, but I feel like something is pulling me towards a direction in the Unending Primal Forest. I feel like I need to be there! This could maybe help me advance onto the next level of my powers," conceded Evelyn with a slight tint of emotion on her expressionless face as she stared of into the distance.

"Senior! I understand! If this might help you advance to the next level, then let's go to wherever this weird feeling of yours is leading us!" affirmed the young girl as she started to march off the mountain like a soldier.

Seeing this, Evelyn smiled and chuckled softly, shaking her head while catching up with her junior sister.

In an unknown location and time:

In a desolate place, where there was no sign of life, the sound of the wind howling, could be continuously heard. It was a dark mountain full of craters, occasionally spewing out green vapor that filled the air with toxic gases.

It seemed as if something sinister was on this mountain. Something dark, foul, and corrupt. Something... unnatural.

It seemed like this calm yet ominous scene would never change and remain constant. Then, something changed. The mountain shook with unrelenting vigour, as if something had awakened, something immensely powerful and very evil.

On top of the mountain in one of the craters, something came out. It was a young teenager boy around the age of fourteen or so. He had pure black hair. So dark that it seems like it could absorb all light that fell on it. His eyes though, were emerald green, shining with ominous presence.

As this boy emerged out of the crater, he looked into the sky and spoke very gently, which was in complete contrast to his appearance and presence.

"Steven! Have you returned my friend?" asked the boy as he stared into the sky.

Following this, there was once more only the sound of the wind continuously blowing.

Location: Underground Mining Area 50-G

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Now that was a good sleep! yawned Steven as he slowly woke up.

"Oh, was it now, ya little bastard!" shouted a brutish looking man glaring at Steven.

"What the... where am I?" asked Steven in a frightened and confused tone.

"Welcome little bastard to our den!" intimidated the brutish looking man with a creepy smile.

"Now now Gale! Don't scare Steven! Let me explain to him what's going on," gently said a familiar voice behind the brutish man known as Gale.

"Fine! Sheesh! Can't I even have a little bit of fun?" griped Galeas he walked away.

Behind Gale, Steven could finally see who the person was. It was Xiang.

"How you feeling Steven?" enquired Xiang with a smile.

"Uh I'm okay I guess! But where are we, and where is everyone else?" asked Steven with a confused expression.

"Ah the others will be here soon. They went to scout out the area."

"And as to where we are? Let's just say, it's the beginning of our journey to get out of this hell-hole," spat Xiang with a bitter smile.

"Hmmm…" pondered Steven as he surveyed his surroundings. Steven saw that they were surrounded by multiple of large tunnel openings, leading into many areas.

Each tunnel had a crude carving on the top of them, in some kind of foreign language. One of the cave entrances had a language above it that Steven somehow found very familiar, yet he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

These words were different from the other words on top of the tunnel openings. They didn't seem like they were carved into the rocky surface, but rather that they had somehow just emerged above the tunnel entrance.

They seemed very rusty, yet they had a very powerful feeling to them. Steven then concentrated and read the words of this mysterious language. The words of this language said:

"The beginning of the journey"