The 5 year long journey: Part 4

" Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us."

- Anonymous

In an unknown time and location:

"Finally! I've awoken from my slumber.

Sniff...Sniff...this smell...The is filled with unlimited life and power!

I see...I see!!! So, the time has finally come!!!" "It is time for us to rise once more!!!" shouted a large creature that looked very similar to a western dragon.

It had black and red scales and horns that were ivory grey. The eyes of this creature were a mixture of many colours, making it hard to figure out exactly what its eye colour was.

The only thing one could say, was that its eyes were like a rainbow, beautiful and magnificent encompassing everything.

Location: Mine District District 5, Quadrant H

Time: Year 14 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

Today it was very quiet in the mines. There was not the usual sound of stones being mined.

Neither was there the sound of overseers and guards shouting. Using their whips on those who displeased them.

There was only an ominous and tense silence. Deep down in the canyons, there was a rift between two groups.

One group was extremely large. There were so many people in that group, that there was hardly any space for everyone to stand.

The other group was much smaller, but they had a very strong presence to them. These two groups were the slaves and their oppressors.

At the front of these two groups were their leaders. In front of the slaves were the "Crowned Knights of Freedom" and in front of the other group were 10 vicious-looking people.

They looked like menacing lions wanting to tear everything and anything up that would dare stand against them.

There was a large space between the groups. In this space, a line could be seen. This line had been drawn roughly with a jagged rock in the ground.

But that line had a clear meaning to it, if anyone were to cross it, they would start a war. Within this tense atmosphere, one man stepped forward.

This man was Phillip. He slowly started walking to the line in an arrogant manner. As he was walking over the line, he hefted an extremely large pickaxe onto his right shoulder.

Even though that pickaxe seemed extremely heavy, for Phillip it felt like he was carrying a feather. All these years of pain-inducing torturous work had forged Phillip's body into that of pure steel.

As Phillip finally reached the line, he stared at his oppressors and smiled provocatively while whistling a random tune.

" boy...are you willing to do this? Think about the lives that will be lost. Think about the suffering you will have to go through to finally be free. Are you willing to sacrifice it all? To face us?! Remember even if you have a lot of slaves on your side, our faction can easily suppress you. Choose carefully Phillip!" warned one of the oppressors with a very serious expression.

This man was the oppressor's leader, and he had scars all over his body and face. It showed that he was a battle-hardened veteran and knew how to fight.

On his body, unlike the other overseers and guards, he wore armour. His armour was made from a strange red shining metal. It had a certain ominous presence to it, which made many people feel wary of this armour.

As Phillip heard this, he squinted his eyes and smiled like a crazy beast.

"Doesn't that make it more fun!!!" shouted Phillip while opening his eyes and glaring at his oppressors.

"My comrades!!! My brothers and sisters too long have we suffered!!!

Too long have we sat down and watched us, innocent men and women, even children be slaughtered!!! I say it has been too long!!!

So, stand with me!!! Fight with me!!!" shouted Phillip with all the energy he could muster, he then once more smiled like a crazy beast and charged over the line towards his oppressors, with his oversized pickaxe.

Behind him, were an enthusiastic bunch of suicidal maniacs, all smiling crazily as well, not wanting to lose out of the fun.

As they charged behind Phillip, the canyon itself shook, as almost a million slaves all charged in one direction. The direction of Freedom!

As the overseers and guards saw this their faces turned grim. They then proceeded to take out their weapons and prepare themselves for a clash that would shake this world.

"So this is your decision? How foolish!!! But as you wish, I shall let you all die a peaceful death in this canyon." said the leading overseer as he pulled out a long scarlet red blade. This blade was as beautiful as a ruby, yet it had a bloodthirsty presence to it, just like the armour of the man.

" fool! Who said I was alone?

Terence the Crimson Knight!!!" shouted Phillip with a bright and exhilarating expression. Hearing this the overseer's eyes widened.

He then perceived that something wasn't right. But before he could even think of anything else, Phillip was in front of him.

Realising it was too late to think about anything else the leading overseer faced Phillip with a bitter smile. "So, I've lost, eh?" asked the leading overseer with a solemn smile.

"It's not you who lost, old man. It's those behind you," said Philip with a sigh as he looked at his opponent. The man in front of him was a well know figure that had disappeared over the last ten years.

Who would have thought he would end up here of all places? For this old man was an inspiration to many people.

Showing that even the most common plebian could rise and gain power.

"Young chap...seeing as if I won't be coming out of here alive, will you do me a favour? Will you give me one step battle?" asked the leading overseer with a sad smile.

"It would be my pleasure!" shouted Phillip with great enthusiasm as he swung his pickaxe in the leading overseer's direction.

"Good!!!" saying this the leading overseer smiled broadly and swung his blade, blocking Phillip's pickaxe.

"Now before I die, let this old man show you how to fight!" he shouted, as he jumped a few steps back and then charged at Phillip with all the energy he could muster.

Following this, the sound of intense battles could be heard throughout the entire canyon. This sound continued relentlessly and as if for an eternity until it finally stopped.

A deadly silence endured. In response and answer to this silence, loud cheering and roars could be heard throughout the canyon.

The words:



Could also continuously be heard. There was only one person who wasn't smiling nor cheering.

That person was Phillip. As Phillip defeated his opponent, he didn't feel joy, he didn't feel he was free. He only felt rage, sadness, and hate.

"AGHHH!!!!!" shouted Phillip with grief as he fell on his knees.

"I swear old man, I'll avenge you!!! For those that forced you and us into this situation! I'll make them burn!" said Phillip with so much rage and hate, that red energy started appearing around him, fuelling his rage and hate even more.

Phillip was intoxicated by this energy, he picked up his opponent's red blade and armour. Suddenly the red armour floated and fitted itself perfectly on Phillip's body.

The blade itself merged with Phillip's pickaxe. Forging a blood-red pickaxe that shone ominously.

Following this Phillip calmed down and turned around to his comrades. As he faced them, he smiled and walked to them.

Preparing himself for what was to come. For he had and his allies had to be strong if they truly wanted to be free.

For even if they won the battle, that didn't mean they won the war. And it would be a very long war.

Location: River of Greed, Faction Harbour

Time: Year 13 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

In a deep underground dungeon that was heavily damaged there was one cell that had no damage. In this cell, there was a man chained and hanging on one of its walls.

The man was extremely thin and pale. This man was Flaven. Flaven had been tortured and kept in this cell for the last 2 years.

His originally strong and fit body was nothing but bones and skins now. His grey silky hair had also been completely ruined, as one could see that all his hair had been dunked in acid. His tail and wolf ears were also completely deformed.

Most of his tail had been brutally cut off and his ears were also not in very good shape. At the moment, Flaven was unconscious, because, for him, this was the only way he could maintain his psyche without entirely breaking apart.

That's why every time he was alone, he forced himself to feel excruciating pain so that he could pass out and that even just for a short while, rest a little bit.

Sadly though, today was not meant to be a good day for Flaven. The sound of deep, slow, and squishy steps could be heard heading in the direction of Flaven's cell.

Once the sound stopped, a creepy laugh could be heard.

"My dear boy, how I've missed you!" I apologise for my absence; your dear master was very busy.

Now that I'm back I'll give you all the attention you need." said his capturer with a disgusting smile. He then slowly reached out his arm and shook his hand.

Out of his hand came a disgusting looking worm, that looked extremely dangerous. As the man saw the worm he smiled evilly and looked at Flaven.

"My boy I must go once more, so much to do. But do not worry, I brought a friend to keep you some company!

He should give you enough company till I am gone." as he said this, the main overseer gave a cheerful chuckle and hummed to himself as he slowly walked away.

Following this, the worm slowly slid over to Flaven. As it reached him, it went onto Flaven, trying to get to Flaven's mouth and then enter it.

Suddenly though, Flaven was shocked awake by the sudden feeling on his body, as he saw the worm, his eyes widened in fear and disbelief.

But he did not panic, rather he calmed himself down and prepared himself to stop this worm at all costs, no matter what!

For he knew what type of worm this was. This worm was an atrocious creature. Once it entered you, it would slowly and painfully poison you, and you would need a very specific antidote to stop it from spreading.

Once within you, it would be very hard to get it out again. So, if it was in you, you would have to take the antidote continuously, to prevent yourself from getting poisoned again.

Making you reliant on this antidote for the rest of your life. Flaven knew he couldn't allow this to happen to him.

So, he made a difficult decision, but this was the only one he could make. He had withheld for 2 years and now with regret and with a bitter tone Flaven said,

"Woman...I swear my allegiance to you!" As he said this a mature sounding feminine voice could be heard:

"How delightful, now let me take you, my servant, I shall take you from this horrible place." said the mature sounding woman with a laugh.

Flaven suddenly disappeared and the worm screeched in anger as it lost its prey. Before the worm could do anything else it started burning in flames, until it became dust.

After this the sound of furious footsteps could be heard approaching the cell:

" No!!! What happened!!! Who took him, who took my precocious slave!!! AGGHHH!!!!" the furious bellows of the main overseer could be heard throughout the dungeon.

"Whoever took what was mine, I shall find you and I shall torture to the end of times!!!" shouted the main overseer with red eyes, filled with undiluted anger.

Long afterward, the main overseer walked out of the dungeon with a solemn expression, deep in thought.

As he saw the guards, he placed outside of the dungeon to protect it he became furious once more. He then stormed to the two guards and cut them into pieces before they could even react.

Following this, the main overseer walked away not even bothering about the corpses on the ground.

Location: Ancestors Cave

Time: Year 13 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

The cave that was once extremely dark and very mysterious was now filled with light, as multiple torches were placed onto the walls.

Many stone thrones could be seen in the cave. They were all placed in a large oval circle. There were around 50 thrones, each one was occupied by a different beast-man.

They were all discussing the recent problem that had come up. Just after a year they had united and formed one large clan of multiple species, planning to take a large section for themselves in this forest as their new home.

A royal tribe had suddenly appeared amongst the beast-people. Even worse, was that just before the royal tribe even existed, they were just a bunch of slightly sentient deer!!!

Yet now unexpectedly, they were supposed to be their rulers.

This made the ancestors very upset and frustrated. All their hard work was now meaningless. For even if they didn't like it, their bloodlines gave them the feeling that this of the royal tribe, were their rightful leaders.

As they discussed this problem one of the ancestors rose his voice:

"My fellow ancestors, even if we don't like it we must go to the royal tribe and follow them. For if we don't our clan will most probably be wiped out, by the other clans that are loyal to the royal tribe.

Many beast-people have attained sentience through the royal tribe meaning their loyalty is extremely high.

Suggesting that we don't have much of a choice right now.. So, for now, let us go to where the royal tribe is and decide there what we shall do," sighed the ancestor Brutus.

Hearing this the other ancestors nodded. With this, the ambitious plan that Brutus and the other ancestors on his side had planned, was destroyed, wasting all the effort and time they had put into it.

Location: Underground Mining Area 50-G

Time: Year 13 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

Somewhere in the middle between the deep underground caverns and the surface., Steven and his group had finally experienced their first set back.

The group had lost 5 members. These members died in a very gruesome way. They had fallen into a hidden acid pit, which had slowly burned and boiled the 5 members alive.

As everyone had experienced this, they were very disturbed, but they still carried on. Although Steven was completely traumatised.

He had known these 5 members for the last 2 years and they had died in front of him - just like that.

In such a painful and horrific manner. Additionally, because of the weird abilities that were put into Steven, he could feel all the emotions that each of those 5 members felt, as they slowly and painfully died.

As Steven experienced all of this, he was shocked to the core. He had never experienced something so terrible, so cruel and so soul crushing. He found it very hard to process, and as a result, he was like a zombie as the group moved forward. He didn't speak, he only walked silently forward.

As Violet saw this she wanted to go to Steven to comfort him, but she was stopped by Xiang.

"Violet, trust me, Steven needs this, even if it's cruel, he needs to get used to this feeling. Only with this, will he be able to mature and grow to survive in this world," explained Xiang with a bitter expression as he stared at Steven's back.

Following this, another year went by. Events had unfolded and the future was being forged.