An unexpected turn of events: Part 1

" Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you are supposed to be."

- Anonymous

Location: Unending Primal Forest

Time: Year 16 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

Somewhere deep in the forest, a man was running at an unbelievable speed, he was running so fast that if one didn't pay attention one would think that it was merely a strong breeze.

Sadly though the man running didn't have time to admire his unbelievable speed, for not too far behind the man there was a giant 5-meter tall moose.

This moose had red blazing eyes and teeth that were extremely large and sharp.

It seemed to see the man as its morning snack and was not willing to let it go.

As the man quickly turned his head around to see if the beast was close bye or not his face became grim as he saw the beast had gotten even closer to him.

As the man saw this he shouted in a loud and frustrated tone:

"Aaaah!!!! Damn you old man!!!"

"You just had to go and provoke this damn beast and abandon me to have to deal with this thing!!!"

"Damn it!!! This thing has been chasing me for the last 5 days!"

"And that lousy excuse of a master has disappeared!"

"I don't even know where I am anymore!!!"

"Thankfully through my training, I've increased my powers and elementary energy!"

"Otherwise I wouldn't have survived and held out for these last 5 days." As the man said all of this to himself he suddenly noticed something in front of him.

It was something incredible.

As the man saw this his eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks.

Even the beast behind him did the same as its eyes widened in shock.

Somewhere else in the Unending Primal Forest:

There was a large plot of flat land with hundreds of large tents in an octagonal formation.

Additionally, there were thousands of people in red armour with glowing red blades in their hands as they patrolled their area.

In the middle of this formation of large tents, there was a large wooden mansion, that had a certain elegance to it.

Even though this mansion was made out of wood, don't let it fool you in thinking it would be easy to destroy.

For this wood was elemental wood, elemental wood although extremely common in this new Era, was not very easy to cut down and process.

Therefore processed and refined elemental wood was still currently extremely valuable to almost every low-ranking faction in this Era.

For they did not have the required manpower and strength at the moment to process and gather huge amounts of elemental wood.

But that was just elemental wood, all the other elemental materials in this Era were also equally or even harder to process for low-ranking factions and groups.

Considering this, it was extremely strange that a low-ranking faction, the Foundation Faction, was able to waste so much wood on a mansion.

It was even stranger that the soldiers of this faction had enhanced elemental steel blades and armour.

Because low-ranking factions did not have large amounts of elemental materials, they normally invented all their resources into their main bases and mid to high-ranking soldiers.

Therefore it was very suspicious that this supposedly low-ranking faction could afford to squander their resources in dealing with the rebel group.

This raised many eyebrows in the leadership positions of the rival factions and organisations that had placed spies in the Foundation Faction.

Making them wonder what the Foundation Faction was up to.

As all of this was happening deep in the mansion, there was a large and mysterious room.

In this room, there was a large round table that had a map on it. This map had a rough overview of the Foundation Factions terrain and borders.

On the map, many block-shaped cubes had been destroyed.

These blocks were all the supply bases that the Foundation Faction had lost to the rebel group they were facing.

Various other structures were destroyed that signified that these locations and buildings had been overtaken.

Surrounding this table 7 men had grim expressions.

They did not speak and only continuously stared at the map in silence as if they were thinking about a very serious dilemma.

Suddenly though a knocking around could be heard from the closed door of the room.

As they heard this the men turned their gazes to the door.

One of the men sighed and spoke:

"Come in."

As this was said the door was opened and a tall thin and weak looking man in red armour entered the room.

"What is it soldier?" asked one of the other 7 men.

"Sir...our reports say that those rebels are in this vicinity."

"We have also noticed that vibrations similar to the day of all those explosions happened have been appearing all of a sudden again." said the soldier with a serious expression.

As the 7 men heard this they went back into deep thought as they tried to process what they heard.

One of the men who had previously sighed spoke again:

"Soldier, prepare the men for any potential conflict that may arise in the next few days."

"Also, prepare a messenger, we need to inform the nearest base about these developments so that they can inform headquarters."

As the soldier heard this he saluted to the 7 men and closed the door walking off towards a certain direction to do the task he had been given.

Following this, there was once more silence in the room as the 7 men turned their attention again to the map on the table.

Planning and thinking about their next moves in how to deal with the dilemma they were facing.

Back to the man and the Moose, somewhere in the Unending Primal Forest:

As the man and moose were still staring at the incredible thing they had seen, they suddenly noticed that they were couldn't move anymore.

Seeing this they were shocked and they tried getting themselves to move, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get themselves to move.

As they saw this they once more stared at the increased thing in front of them with cautious eyes.

A voice was then heard:

"Now now, we don't want any trouble now do we." said a magnificent sounding voice.

This voice came from a deer.

This deer was the beast king and was the incredible thing the Moose and man had seen.

For the beast king was surrounded by golden-green lights that shined with magnificence and power that made it hard for someone to look away once they put their eyes on what was happening.

As the Moose and the man heard this they for some reason calmed down.

"Now what are your names?" asked the beast king with a smile.

"Temarr." said the man with a neutral expression.

While the Moose grunted in a weird tone.

"Ah, interesting Temarr and Melba!"

"What interesting names!"

"Now seeing that you two have seen what has happened I shall gift you two with something incredible." said the beast king with a slightly mischievous smile.

As Temarr wanted to say something he and the Moose suddenly fell unconscious.

Seeing this the beast king smiled as he slowly walked to the two.

"You two shall experience great things, because of today." said the beast king as he arrived in front of the two.

Location: River of Greed

Time: Year 16 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

The river was very calm nothing much had happened in the last year, other than the occasional ship that sailed across the river.

Yet for some reason, the river became more and more ominous as if something dark was happening in depths of this extremely large and seemingly unending river.

Occasionally beams of bright energy started to shine out of the river, while other times the river seemed to slowly but steadily increase in its size.

As if the river was alive and that it seemed like it was planning something, something that would impact many lives and the future itself.

After a while, though two people walked to the river.

They were two women.

One of the women had a neutral expression with no expression, she seemed to be in her early twenties.

She had light azure eyes, with lush blue hair.

She had a beautiful face and figure that was extremely alluring, while the blue/white eastern robe she wore, only made her even more attractive.

The other women seemed to be 15 years old.

She was very cute and anyone who saw her would find her extremely adorable and would want to protect her.

She had blue eyes and lush blond hair, while her clothing was similar to that of the other women.

"Senior sister ~~~"

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"We've come to this forest for so many years that I would say we could become tour guides for the parts we have continuously explored." said the young teenager while pouting.

Hearing this the woman smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry, the wait is finally over, it seems the time has finally come for me to find what we have been looking for," said Evelyn with a smile she stared of into the distance.

As Helena heard this she rolled her eyes not believing her senior sister.

All of a sudden though both Helena and Evelyn felt something off into the distance.

It felt like a huge group of people were marching into a certain direction

As Evelyn saw this a contemplative light flashed in her eyes as she thought about her next actions.

Seeing this Helena was not happy, for she knew her senior sister was going to say something she would not like.

"Come...we must follow them." as Evelyn said this she slowly started heading in the direction of the large group.

Hearing this Helena sighed for she knew she couldn't convince her senior sister and that she could only obediently follow her senior sister.

Location: Ascension Forest

Time: Year 16 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

The Ascension Forest had undertaken huge changes the last year.

The Ascension Forest was now surrounded by golden gates that were connected to large marble pillars.

These pillars and gates shined with brilliance as if to say that no one would be able to break through them.

Outside of the gates, a silver tiled path was leading into many different directions.

One path seemed to be leading to what seemed to be a city, this city was heavily incorporated into nature and gave it a very pleasant atmosphere.

While one of the other paths led to a few hills were extremely large was placed in the middle of them.

This boulder had a large hole excavated in it and it seemed that this boulder would be used as a barracks and armoury for the city.

One of the other paths also led to a few mountains that had very large and tall peaks reaching to the clouds.

One could see that roads were being made and homes were being built into these mountains and peaks.

Presumably, something grand was planned for these mountains and peaks, but this would only be seen much later.

Many of the other paths led to different places that seemed to be building things, except one path.

This path led into the unknowns of the Unending Primal Forest.

It had an ominous and terrifying aura to it, which made people not wanting to approach it at all.

Unexpectedly though from this dark and ominous path, the beast king started walking out of the Forest.

When he came into his territory the beast king smiled.

As if feeling that their ruler had returned all of the beast-people in the territory cheered with joy as they were happy that their leader was back.

Following this, the first territory of the beast king continued developing into something truly grand.

Location: Unending Primal Forest

Time: Year 16 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

"Hmmm... interesting it seems the source is in that direction..."

"Who would have thought it would be there..." said a man in a dark black robe.

This man then continued heading into a certain direction.

Somewhere else in the forest:

"Ugh...where am I and why do I feel so heavy?" said Temarr as he slowly opened his eyes in confusion

As his eyes faintly opened he was shocked to see a small moose on his stomach.

The moose was soundly sleeping on his stomach while occasionally rubbing his head on Temarr's belly.

"What the?!" as Temarr saw this his eyes widened, but before he could do anything else, he suddenly heard something in his head.

"You and this moose are now life long companions."

"I have forged the first pact between man and beast."

"You are as of now the first beast tamer in this world."

"Enjoy~~~," said the voice with a teasing tone.

As Temarr heard this he was furious.

How dare that deer do that to him!

He swore to himself once he found that deer he would turn him into a juicy steak and eat him as a form of revenge!

This deer would regret playing with him.

But just as Temarr was thinking this the Moose woke up and stared at him with adorable and innocent eyes.

As Temarr saw this he couldn't help but sigh and accept his fate.

Following this, he proceeded to pet and stoke the moose.

As the moose felt its now permanent master stroke its head, it made cheerful noises of joy.

Hearing this Temarr smiled, but he then all of a sudden noticed something.

There was something in the trees surrounding him staring at him, as he saw this he squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Old man if you don't come out know I'll beat you later." said Temarr with a smile.

Following this, an old man with a tattered suit came down from the trees with an embarrassed smile.

"My dear disciple I didn't want to ruin your precious moment."

"Why must you say such hurtful things." said the old man with a sad expression.

"Oh shut up!"

"You think I-..." just as Temarr wanted to berate his master he sensed something not too far away from their location.

His master also sensed it and put on an extremely serious expression.

As they stared into the direction of where the noises were coming from, it came closer and closer to them.

It then all of a sudden stopped though as if it was never there.

This didn't stop though the old man and Temarr from continuously staring in that direction.

Suddenly then a man started walking out of the thick vegetation and trees while raising his hands.

He was a very tall and muscular man with a nice brown tan.

This man smiled at the two with a very awkward expression.

"Yo!!! The name is Phillip!"

"I wonder if we could talk?" said Phillip while staring at them.

Hearing this Temarr and his master stared at each other with serious expressions as they decided what to do.

Location: Underground Mining Area 50-G

Time: Year 16 of the Era of Change

Era: Era of Change

"Finally...just a few more days and we will finally be out of this hellish world!!!" said Xiang with an excited expression.

Hearing this everyone cheered with joy.

Steven and his group had been travelling for a long time and had undergone many trials and tribulations, making them exhausted.

Especially Steven was exhausted, for he had been carrying a woman for more than a year.

This had made him extremely exhausted, but thankfully the woman was waking up for longer periods, making it able for her to speak to Steven and the rest.

The woman didn't say much when she was awake, better said she only stared at Steven with a weird expression in her eyes as he continuously carried her.

The other and Steven tried talking to her, but unexpectedly she didn't want to talk.

As they saw this the group decided to ignore this and continue moving forward.

For they didn't have the time nor energy to care about this woman and they thought once they were out of this hellish world they would then properly question this woman.

Until then though they did not let themselves get distracted, for they were almost there, almost free.

Xiang, John and the rest of the original group with Steven though were thinking of what to do about Stevens predicament.

Steven didn't have a power and couldn't get any stronger though Primal or Elemental energy.

This worried them immensely and the closer they got to the surface the more they worried.

For if the world found out about Steven, who knew what they would do with him.

Would they leave him alone?

Or would they capture him and torture/ test him to find out why he was different.

They also had to consider the fact of having to face the Foundation Faction once they reached the surface, for it wasn't normal for people to escape this place.

While thinking of this they didn't notice that very far behind them, a humanoid creature was slowly walking in their direction.

This humanoid creature was slowly rotting and had black spikes poking throughout its entire body.

Yet for some reason it could still move.

As this creature continued to move in Steven and his group's direction, it smiled with its rotten mouth and teeth almost falling apart in the process.

A voice could then be heard coming from the creature:

"Soon...soon you will be mine, boy..." as the creature said this it stopped smiling and continued walking.

Following this many things would happen that no one could ever except.