The Swordmanship and Magic Test

We were standing in front of the classroom. The students all around us looked like they had an intense headache. We just laughed at each other. The written test couldn't be easier because the hardest one that I found was a Pythagoras that could be easily solved by me.

"How was the test?" I asked them.

"It was a test? I didn't realize it," Garth said.

"Is that a test for an elementary school?" Cecile mocked the test.

"I can do it, even when my eyes were closed," Maria said.

"Haha, using your level of knowledge, this test is too damn ez," I laughed.

The test was straightforward. The mathematics was only about basics arithmetics. The science subject almost not existed. The only a bit difficult part was history. Why the hell should I know that?

"The next one is the swordsmanship test am I right, or am I right?" I said with a cocky attitude.

Annoyed by my statement, Cecile said, "Yes, and we know what do you mean by that."

"How is the procedure?" Garth asked Maria.

Maria took a deep breath, "The test will be held at the training yard behind the teacher's room. The teachers will provide us with a training dummy, and we will show our swordsmanship," She retook a deep breath after finishing those sentences.

Listening to his statement, I asked, "Do we have to restrain ourselves?"

With an annoying face, she answered, "Yes, don't wreak havoc ok,"

"Ok, may I use my [Godspeed Blades] and Garth use his [Heaven Slash]?" I asked him.

Maria put candy into her mouth then answered me, "Yes, but please restrain yourselves."

"Ok," I said.

We walked crossing the 4 square kilometers academy complex, which was pretty huge. Nobody complained because for us it just a walk in the park.

We arrived at the school training yard, some of the examiners had already tested the freshman. The seniors were watching from afar. Some of them were laughing, and some of them had that kind of surprised face.

The training yard itself was an open ground with a training dummy.

"Jaxon McDonnell," one of the teachers shouted.

A boy came to the front of him, "That's me."

"Show me your skill," The brown-haired teacher called.

Without further questions, the boy slashed the training dummy multiple times. The teacher didn't get surprised at all.

I heard the seniors were whispering behind me, "Nobody can impress Mr. Icebane, even we seniors have a hard time with him."

"We should impress him, right?" Garth said.

"Yes, Let's disobey young miss request for now," I said, then I continued with, "Let's destroy all of the training dummies in one hit, shall we?" I asked.

Garth nodded.

After several students

"Garth Valeriy Nikitovich," Icebane shouted.

Garth unsheathed his sword and dagger from his hip, "It's me," he said.

"Well, you as a servant better not disappoint your master," He said proudly because he saw the slave collar in his neck.

Garth looked at his direction and said, "Don't worry, I'm not planning to,"

He raised his hand, then said, "Begin!!"

Garth reaped towards the training dummy and used his [Heaven Slash] like the last time he did that. He destroyed all of the training dummies in such quick succession that ordinary eyes can't see.

Mr.Icebane's mouth went agape. He chugged down a glass of water to remove his surprised face.

He tried to calm himself down then called the next student, "Wilson Galliard," He shouted.

I stepped into the examination area and did the same as what Garth did; unsheathed my sword and dagger.

He tried to mock me, "Ok, Wilson, I think you can do better than him," he mocked me.

"I'm not going to disappoint you, sir," I said formally to him.

"Begin," He chugged down the glass of water.

I used [Slash] and reaped to the target dummy with quick succession. Then I unleashed my [Angel Blade]. The target dummy turned into a bunch of sawdust.

He spouted water from his mouth, "How the hell did that happen?" He asked.

"Thank you for your attention, Mr.Icebane," I said while leaving an annoying grin on my face.

We left the training yard then headed straight towards the destroyed fountain. We saw Maria and Cecile were eating a piece of bread while sitting on the edge of the fountain.

I sat beside Maria then asked her, "How was the magic examination?"

"It was amazing, Both of us surprised the teacher," She said proudly.

Surprised Garth asked them, "How??"

"Maria cast a [Tornado] spell, and I cast the [Napalm] spell," Cecile said with a cute smile on her face.

"Did both of you destroy the training ground?" I asked because I was confused.

"Of course not, we just destroyed their target dummy," Maria said as she chewed her bread.

"Well, I hope we don't attract too much attention," I said.

"How the hell someone doesn't notice us, their swordsmanship is shit," I said to him.

"This is the time for the students duel, right?" I ripped a piece from Cecile's s bread.

"Yes, may I use my gun?" Garth asked.

"Let's see the situation first," Maria said.

"What are the requirements?" I asked.

"25% of our competitors are wearing Mythril armor," Maria said.

"What's so cool about Mythril?" Garth asked.

"You won't make any injuries with a sword against Mythril armor," Cecile answered.

"That's a bit problematic, don't you think?" I said.

Cecile was still eating his bread. Garth tried to steal my bread, and Maria was thinking heavily about how we can win this match.

"Stop stealing my bread," I poked Garth's head.

"Nope," He stole the whole bread from my hand.

I pulled my dagger then aimed it at Garth's neck, "Give me that bread! I'm warning you," I said.

He gave the bread back to me after he split in half, "here you go," he said.

"Really??" I said while holding that piece of bread.

A figure followed by a lot of students approached us. His escort wore an armband. It was Anton.

He sat beside us, and he told his escort to go circling the school.

"Disciplinary committee, huh?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yup, as an ex-officio, I got both the authority of either the vice president of student council or the vice president of the disciplinary committee," He said.

"Who is he specifically?" Maria asked.

"He is one of the authority figures in this school. He is the VP of the disciplinary committee and ex-officio VP student council, His name is Anton Collins," I said as I introduced him.

"Ex-officio? Does the vice president has 2 roles?" Cecile asked.

"Sort of," He said.

"What are you doing now?" Garth asked curiously.

"Searching for a cursed sword," He said.

I got surprised by his statement. A cursed sword is definitely a banned item.

Garth asked in the middle of the surprising statement, "How does it look like?"

"A black sword with an unknown graving. The sword emits a purple aura. The handle is decorated with a dragon image," he said.

"I'll be on the lookout," I said.

A bunch of disciplinary committees was running in front of us after a man in a black hood. The students were throwing a bunch of spells at him.

"Looks like I have to help them," Anton said as he stood up and chased the thief.

"Goodbye, Anton," Maria said.

"Thank you, whatever your name is," He shouted from afar.

Maria's smile turned down, her face had gone sour.

Cecile tried to cheer her up, "Hey, forget about him. The match will start soon," she said.

"Let's go then," Garth said as he chewed the bread.

"You're right," I said as I stood up and left the water fountain.

We left the fountain and went straight to the arena.