Eagle Vs Knight and The Report

Wilson's POV

"Eagle 1 Fox 3," Maria said as she fired the Aim-120 to a target that was beyond visual range.

"Wolf 2 Fox 2," Cecile fired a missile from her Sukhoi.

Asking me what the hell was happening? Dragon knights were the shit that happened. Apparently Garth was right, We were attracting too much attention that made the kingdom deployed the dragon knight.

"Where are they?" I said as I scanned the radar.

"Really, are you having radar blindness?" Maria asked sarcastically as she shot one dragon down.

The dragon knights is a unit that has an equivalent like an air force in my last world. Big dark green meanie that accompanied by a knight or a mage in their Mythril armor. Our weapons mowed them down without any difficulties.

"How many of them are left?" I asked Cecile.

"3 more, Fox 2, Fox 2," She said as she launched Vympel infrared missile.

"Bandits down," I said.

"Eagle 1 Fox 3," I said as I launched 2 of my AIM-120 AMRAAM.

An explosion could be seen in the distance. The dragon remains were falling to the ground leaving no witness about our jets except for the student.

"What should we do now?" I asked them.

"Let's head back to base, turn on your afterburner," Cecile said.

"Lets first test out the bunker buster on the smuggler' s den," I said to them.

"Deal," they said as we flew in formation heading for smuggler's den.

I turned on my infrared camera and saw multiple heats signatures. Some of them were animals, sometimes a carriage or a wagon, but there was this one strange head signature. A group of people entering in and out of a cave.

"Maria, Do you see what I see?" I asked her.

"What?" She asked me with a confused tone.

"The heat signature at the direction of 1-5-1 with an elevation of 231,25 meters," I told her accurately so she can pinpoint its location.

"That's the smuggler's cave I think," She said

"Ok, Bunker Buster away," I said as I dropped the bomb from the jets.

The GBU-28 from my plane exploded right on the cave, but instead of destructing on impact. The bomb penetrated deep into the ground before it exploded. The bomb destroyed the cave in one hit.

"Cave destruction confirmed, RTB," I said as I bank my plane to the left.

"Wilco," Maria said as she followed my planes in formation.

"Affirmative," Cecile said as she did a pugachev cobra.

"Like Garth, you like to show off huh?" I asked sarcastically.

"Maybe," She said and turned on her afterburner. A blast of hot air got out from the nozzle of the jet fighter.

"F-15 is a faster plane," I said as I turned on my afterburner.

"Both of you going to forget me?" Maria said as she tried to overtake us.

We flew in the sky cutting the clear skies, Cecile made a low altitude pass above the academy while turning her afterburner resulting in such a large sonic boom that further broke the academy window. Garth was busy taking care of the poisoned students.

The F-15 was faster than the Su-35 so we had no problem to overtake Cecile. We were the first to reach the airbase.

Wilson: "This is Eagle squadron requesting permission to land,"

ATC: "Eagle Squadron you are cleared to land on runway eight."

Wilson: "Thank you."

I landed the plane first then followed by Maria's plane. We taxied our plane to the hangar number nineteen. We left our plane first then followed by Cecile on her Su-35S. We left our plane then changed our G-suit to a standard ABU uniform. we wore the cap with a four star emblem on it and walked out of the hangar.

We walked around the airbase and I realized that Cecile wasn't lying about the fact that the jets were flying like flies. I noticed someone I knew was standing in front of the airfield with the another male officer, It was Major General Meyer. She was wearing the same uniform as us but with two star in rank on her uniform.

"Can you girls leave me alone with Mrs. Lillie here," I said to the girls.

"We will meet again in front of the living quarters, Deal," Maria said to me.

"Deal," I said to her as they walked away from me.

"General Meyer, Nice to see you here," I saluted to her.

"General Galliard, Nice to meet you," She saluted back at me.

"No need to be that formal general," I said as I lowered my hand.

"Ok," She said while smiling.

"What sirs and ma'ams are doing?" I asked politely.

"We are figuring out our surrounding. The fighter jets are mostly sortied for a recon mission," A large build man said to me.

"Oh almost forgot, His name is Abraham Blackwell. Brigadier General Blackwell to be precise," General Meyer said.

He was a man with a height of 5,9 feet tall. He wore sunglasses and wore the same cap as I did, but with only one star on it. He had a large build with a muscular body, he was a short-grey-haired man.

"Pleasure to meet you, general," I said to him.

"The pleasure is mine General Galliard," He said politely.

"What did our reconnaissance team have gathered?" I asked her.

She pointed her finger to the map, "We are located here," She said.

"Go on please," I said.

"We are located between the Sonile kingdom and the Tanerian empire. Both of them are in salty terms against each other," General Meyer said.

"Anything else you want to report to me?" I asked her again.

General Blackwell interrupted us, "Apparently, we are only 50 miles away from a town called Windsblow and 3 miles away from a village called Vialis," He said while pointing his hand at the map.

"Is this village hostile to us?" I asked him.

"For now? I don't think so," Lillie said.

"Has this base established supply lines to that village?" I asked.

"Yes, this base has established supply lines with Vialis village," He said.

"How was it?" I asked the generals.

"It wasn't too difficult, the village leader agreed to our contract. They will provide us with food as long as we protect the supply lines," She said.

"Oh, I see," I said to him.

"Although, personally, I'm quite afraid of the landlords. We might have the permission from the village leader but not from his landlords," Blackwell said to me.

"Ok, it will become a problem in the future, but we will ignore it for now," I said.

"We have sent the 167th mechanized infantry unit to scout the area. We are waiting for their report," General Meyer said.

"Yes, we noticed the absurdly amount of soldier in the region of Tanerian empire," General Blackwell said.

"Well, that's it?" I asked them.

"We also have scrambled two F-16G in case a dragon want to attack the base," General Meyer said.

"Oh, I see," I said.

"Well Wilson, anything else do you want to know?" She asked.

"No question, for now, I will take my leave then," I said to them.

"Well, dismissed," they saluted to me then I saluted back.