Casette Tape

"Hi Charles, it's been awhile, hasn't it?" The voice said.

"I heard that you have caused a ruckus in the USA," She continued.

"The arms race were in good health, thanks to you selling the world peace," She said.

"Enough of the small talk. There is something I've to tell you," she paused.

"Do you see the photo that I send with this tape. That is the picture of the 1st Detachment Delta during the operation Hughes Grown. I know that you've seen this picture many times, but what is making this picture so important for you. Well, the picture was edited before it being revealed to the public. The picture of both of your parents; your mother and your father," She paused her message.

"That was the mission that took your parents out of existence. Your parents have been working long enough for the Eluminar security force. Eventually, America found out that your parents have been working for it. So they sent their someone to kill them. That's how your parents die," she continued with a sigh on her voice.

"Even the reason that your parents killed could be traced back to about many years ago. Operation Red Tango, circa 1993; the operation that its real purpose was to assassinate a commander of the Insurgent located in the middle east," she continued.

"Your father infiltrated that compound alone and went M.I.A. Your mother considered that your father was dead. Until 7 years ago, which your father made a grand appearance on the Eiffel tower and releasing a biological weapon there which poisoned almost half of Paris until NBC team appeared."

"Your father became a wanted terrorist and thus putting your mother under the surveillance of the CIA and the DGSE. Well, Long story short, to prove her loyalty to her country, she must assassinate your father. So she came to Iraq alone to kill him."

"She died together with your father since your father used a suicide vest. It was a major gain for the CIA since they didn't have to do a clean up by killing your mother. She died in an unmarked grave somewhere on earth."

"Yeah. It took me fifteen years to tell you this. I know that this must be hard for you, but you must accept the truth. Your parent's dead isn't a natural cause. Eluminar wants to hide it from you so it won't affect your combat record."

"Charles, I know that we are the only ones that still alive that know this. Keep it for yourself."

"Charles, Goodbye....," the cassette stopped with a static voice.

I flipped the cassette tapes and saw a tape on with writing on the back, "Isabel Johnston, to Charles Anderson."

Well, Isabel was my friend back when I was still working for Eluminar PMC. She always stood by beside me at any time and anywhere. She died before me with a sniper shot in the head. Unlucky girl, sadly.

Well, I never thought that she arrived in this world too. Unfortunately, she got a lesser ability than me. I liked Isabel, but she died sooner than my proposal.

"Wilson, who records that tape?" Garth asked me while searching the weapon locker for an MRE.

"Isabel, but that is another story for another time," I said as I put the tape to an empty magazine pocket.

"I see your friend in another world? Wilson, what are we going to do with this structure?" Garth asked me while gazing at the ceiling.

"Make this a FOB, I think a small runway will be enough and this structure is very reinforced," I said as I looked at the Ceiling.

"How will you expand it?" He asked.

"With my abilities, the [Ultimate Summon]," I said.

"FOB sounds good actually," Maria suddenly barge into the FOB while holding a PRL-147 on her hands.

"Did you see something interesting?" I asked her.

"Well, nothing too unusual. Except for this logo," she said as she handed me a grey cloth name tag with something that I know written on it, "ESOC."

"Eluminar Security and Offensive Contractor," I took the name tag and put it on the chest of my combat shirt.

"And Wilson, I found this too," Cecile said as she handed me a red badge with a knife and writing that read "AIRBORNE."

"1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta," I said as I put the badge inside my pocket.

"Whose that?" Maria asked me.

"The hero's," I grabbed an M4 from the armory. I knew the fact that M4 was the favorite weapon of hers.

I brought the M4 outside of the cave and brought a shovel from the compartment storage located on the back of the turret of the tank.

I dug a hole large enough for the M4 and buried it on the ground. I also put the Delta force insignia into her grave. I put a stick near the hole then I stood by her grave.

I looked down at her grave that I just made, "Hey there Isabel, I know what would you say if you were alive..." I put my index finger in front of my mouth, "It's okay, you don't have to talk to me. You have a good rest, don't you? I don't know where you are now, but I know that you will always be in my heart forever."

I bowed down to her grave while saying, "You don't have to worry about me there, I will always be with you. You're the best battle buddy that I've ever had. But Isabel, time always moves, and we will move forward too. I know that our boss always said that we are living outside of heaven, but Isabel. If you are in heaven, Could you call me?" I said as I left her unmarked grave while putting my combat knife on her grave.