Meeting With Kira

Kira, Kira Baxter. Hmm... What is the first word that crossed my mind if someone mentions the name in front of me? Arrogant, typical noble, wealthy, The princess, target of kidnapping, the one that has many bodyguards, etc. Kira was the second daughter of the king, not much intel that I gathered from her since I still consider her as an unimportant person, but tonight, this Saturday night, I got a meeting with her in the assembly hall of the governor castle.

Of course, I like to bring the tank, but I can't since the destination was the government office, and bringing the tank has the same meaning as wanting to be interrogated. We were dressing in our formal outfit, which was servants for us and a white dress for Maria. Garth and I wore a white shirt and a black vest coupled with black trousers and black shoes while Cecile wore a maid outfit, which was a victorian version one, not the same as the one used for lingerie. She even didn't have the lingerie one.

As a safety measurement, Garth and I packed our Glock behind our vest and carried one extra magazine. Cecile also packed an MP7 on her thigh since she wore short combat pants underneath her long dress.

Luckily, Benjamin's family borrowed us their carriage as a favor return for saving his life, although I was the one who was taking it away too. He also lent me the horse and the driver for us too.

"Ok, let's get in," I said as I opened the carriage for them.

Maria entered the carriage first then followed by Garth, then Cecile. I rode shotgun near the driver, and the driver whipped the horse, and the carriage moved slowly at the road. I conversated with the driver.

"So, How long have you worked for Benjamin's house?" I asked him.

"Hmm, let's see. I've worked for their household since the age of 8, I'm married to their housemaid and has one son. I'm now forty years old," he said to me.

"Wow, so you've been working for thirty-two years," I complimented him as the carriage exited the academy and headed towards the castle of the governor.

After some time, we finally arrived at the governor's office, the driver stopped the carriage, and I got down from the front seat and opened the door of the carriage. Maria came out first, then followed by the others.

We walked together to the assembly hall while Maria is always holding my hand with a linked arms way. She usually held my hands like this on formal occasions. Garth and Cecile were doing the same, but way more romantic since both of them were both flirty.

The driver saw us and did a fake and loud cough. I did a half-smile to him and walked away. The castle entrance was a big white door with a brick road to it. The road was surrounded by a beautiful flower garden, though I knew that this was the house of the governor itself.

Once I entered the building, we were greeted by a luxurious classic interior. The first thing that we saw was a broad 'T' stairs. In the middle of the wall, there was a picture of the governor himself. The governor was a handsome man, but I got some kind of arrogant vibe from him. I read the nameplate in the bottom part, "Viscount Alastair Hargreave."

We turned left and headed for the table that was arranged for a meeting in the middle of the living room of the governor itself. On another edge of the table, there was Kira sitting on the chair with a red dress. Behind her was her bodyguard, which was a magic swordsman with heavy plate armor and three of her servants.

Maria sat on the chair in front of her while I sat next to Maria as her advisor. I put my smartphone on the table and also my Glock on the table as a mean of intimidation.

"Good Afternoon, Kira," I greeted her.

"Why does a commoner like you greet me? I want a greeting from your master," she said arrogantly.

I whispered to her ear, "I don't care everything that she said. I'm afraid if my temper goes up, I will shoot a royalty on the heads, so I'm going to put these earphones on my ear and listening to some music, ok?"

She nodded in case of agreement, Garth and Cecile were standing behind us. Cecile put her hands on her thigh, and Garth entered his hands on his vest.

I put my earphones on my ear and listened to jazz music. Garth and Cecile were doing a combo using the piano and saxophone in the background. They also played jazz songs. So I put off my earphones and listened to them instead.

Honestly, from the surroundings, I already can tell that this was a one-sided discussion. There were archers scattered across the roof, and there were bodyguards guarding the door of the room so we couldn't leave. Damn, I wish I could wear a combat loadout.

"So Kira, you want me to retreat in that election? Why?" Maria said coldly.

"Look, I'm good here. You don't want me to shame your family in the duel, do you? So I give you a better way to get out?" Kira said to Maria.

I knew she would get upper hands if her opponent was a regular person, but Maria wasn't an ordinary noble. She was a daughter of a duke and a general that commanded a military with the size of multiple field armies. Theoretically, she could occupy the entire Sonile kingdom in just one month.

"The one that talks big is usually weak," I added some heat to the conversation.

"Shut up, you commoner," She shouted at me without any manner.

"What a shame that a daughter of the king herself is very mannerless," I furthered add some spice to the conversation.

Maria hit me in the back and forced me to apologize, "I apologize for my servant. He doesn't have any manner sometimes."

"Maria, I warn you," Kira intimidated her.

"Sorry, Kira, but I won't retreat. My decision is final," Maria said to Kira.

"You better be good, Kira, or you will shame yourself," I said to Kira with a half-smile on my face.

"Wilson, I make sure that you regret saying that," She shouted at me.

"And I like to see you try," I said to add more heat to the conversation.

Suddenly, the jazz music in the background stopped, and Cecile whispered to my ear, "Mentor, it's already 8.45 pm," she showed her smartphone to me.

Maria read the smartphone, too, and ended that meeting with Kira. We left the castle after that only to be found that Benjamin's carriage had left first. The castle and the academy weren't too far, but walking in the night in Costellia wasn't a good idea either. The laws weren't as enforced as a modern society.

I grabbed my smartphone and called Herma.

Wilson: "Good Afternoon. Mrs. Herma, could you do me a favor?"

Herma: "General, How may I help you?"

Wilson: "Could you bring the tank to the castle? Ram the gate if the guards don't let you pass."

Herma: "Roger that General. ETA is five minutes."

We were sitting on the bench in the governor's garden, but I got a bad feeling about sitting there. I got no choice, so I just wait there.

Suddenly, an arrow hit the back of the bench. It had a note on it that reads, "Surrender for the princess or face the consequence." I really wish I brought my NVG so I could see who the hell was shooting us with an arrow.

Not long after that, I could hear diesel engines from afar. It was our tank, and not only Harrington but also Gordon. Both of them were wearing a Multicam uniform.

They were stopped by the guards, and the guards insisted on not opening the gate. So he fired a squash head rounds to the gate and blew it up.

"Yo," Harrington shouted as she shot the M249 at the archers on the roof.

"Let's move out!" I said as we got on top of the tank, and Gordon drove the tank back to the academy.

"This would put some messages on them," Maria said as the tank moved down the streets.