On my way

In the grassland on the road to Grasswall, The students were walking beside the carriage that was carrying their stuff. Mostly food supply and camping equipment. Some of them brought a backpack on their back, including Garth and me. Lyra was carrying a bag too, but it only contains the rugged tablet and laptop that we could use for calling in a strike.

Garth, Charlotte and I were carrying sword and dagger on our hip, Andrew had a bow on his back while the others were holding on staff on their hands. The teachers were walking beside us, and Mrs. Harrington walked right beside me. Maria stored her staff on her back and fiddling on the rugged tablet instead. She used the surveillance camera on the satellite for us.

"Is the area around us clear?" I asked her who was using the touchscreen to move the screen.

"Hmm, looks like it's clear enough," she said as she showed several beasts around the grassland that were hiding on the foliage on the tablet.

"Ok, all we have to do now is to trust our teacher that they can take us to the Grasswall, which is eighty kilometers away from here. You will protect us, right? Mrs. Harrington," I looked to the teachers that were surrounding us.

"Yup, of course, I will," She said calmly as she showed the MG4 that she carried on her enormous backpack.

"Is it loaded?" Garth asked.

"Yes it is, we will split from the other group though, so that will be nice. We also will visit Captain Hasslebrown FOB on the outskirts of the forest," she said to us.

"Good, good," I nodded and continued to walk.

The others were wearing traditional leather boots that were given by the army as part of our forced draft, although we wore a black standard issue combat boots that are way more comfortable than the one that the military gave us thanks to the improved heat dissipation and water resistance.

The bright sky went darker as time goes, slowly, but surely the sky will be getting darker. The darker sky also brought another threat, which was a flying wyvern will be harder to see. This will be a problem since wyvern was the main recon unit of the Tanerian empire.

Suddenly in the middle of the road, Mr.Icebane told the teachers to gather around him and the students to form according to their group. We lined up the fastest thanks to our unmatched discipline.

The teachers dispersed again and went in front of each group they were assigned to. Lieutenant Harrington stood in front of us and told me that we were going to be separated for a different assignment for each group.

"Wilson, you and your group might want to pick up their backpack from the carriage. The carriage will leave us from now on, and we will spread," She said to me.

"Sure," I said as I stood up and gave commando to my group, "ATTENTION!"

"CARRY YOUR BACKPACK NOW!" I shouted as the others carried the backpack from the carriage as soon as they can and formed a line again in front of me.

Mrs.Harrington held the order that was written on a piece of paper and told us to follow her, thus separating ourselves from the other groups. We walked on the grass and followed her from behind.

"Ok, let's return to our routine," I said as I unbuttoned my clothes, revealing a full combat CADPAT uniform with a four-star insignia on it. The other did the same too and put their clothes in their bag.

"Huh, It's a terrible idea wearing our outfit underneath our regular school uniform," Cecile rumbled as she put the helmet on her head and the com kit too.

"Well, It's less than a hassle, right? You don't have to search for a place to get nude," I added as I grabbed my SCAR-H and tactical rig from the backpack.

Herma: "One two, One two. Is this com kit working?"

Wilson: "Loud and clear Lieutenant."

We continued to walk in the foliage, but now more comfortably, thanks to taking off our clothes. Suddenly, a wyvern flew on top of us. We laid down on the ground and tried to crawl in order to avoid detection.

Wilson: "Maria, Do you think you can shot it down with the Gepard?"

Maria was aiming at the sky with a GM6 Lynx sniper rifle on her hands. It's a bullpup 12.7x99mm anti-materiel rifle. Maria was trying to shot the pilot instead of the wyvern, but we also have a second option, honestly.

Maria: "Hmm, Wilson, I don't think so. At least we got a portable air strike right here."

She said that as she poked Herma's foot with her arm. Herma looked at her with a surprise on her face. Well, no wonder why Christine said that she is a bullyable dragon. She is, in fact, a portable air strike thanks to her capabilities that equivalent to an A-10.

Charlotte: "Mind if I tried my new spell?"

Andrew: "No, you will melt us."

Charlotte: "What should we do, then?"

Andrew: "General, could you give me the AMR?"

Maria gave the rifle to Andrew slowly, and Andrew aimed it at the wyvern. He checked the magazine on the gun by taking it off and put it on the gun again. He took a deep breath and used his ultimate spell.

"Eat this, [Direct Projectile]," He shot five bullets to the pilot of the wyvern using his spell that makes any projectile aimed.

The wyvern became enraged and flew away from our area. The remnants of the pilot fell to the ground, thus making a deafening noise. Luckily, the wyvern didn't notice us, and we could safely continue to walk again.

"Nice one lieutenant," I said as he gave back the rifle to Maria.

"Do you want to check on the dead body, sir?" He asked me while pointing his left hand to the remain of the pilot.

Suddenly again, an X-02S strike wyvern flew on top of us while chasing a flying wyvern. The weapon bay that was located below the fighter jet opened and revealed it's "Archlight" EML.

What the hell is going on here?