Riding on little ponny... She isn't little though

Xia Feng spent the lovely days with his mother and grandma by being tightly close with them! It was either in bed or helping them with their common shop. Those two ladies are simple and common cultivators, so Xia Feng was truly at easy as the home warmth also assaulted his heart.

Nevertheless, Li Miae was still lingering in his mind, so after few days, Xia Feng gently kissed his family, then set off!

"You will see me soon enough."

"When you return to the sect, come by!"


"Sure, sure. I will remember that~~"

Even the most old cultivator lady would act like kid while in love! Xia Feng turned around when the city disappeared from his sight, his two strong legs pedaled the sports bike!

It was truly good bike!


"Oh, Klim. How do you feel?"

"Hot! I think I will reach breakthrough!"

"Hmm~~ From all this white seed from my ladies, I guess it's normal~~"

"I think I am already addicted..."