Do you dare?! Do you dare, Justice Cultivator?!

Justice Cultivator had seen them...

Dang Gu trembled with fear, then his body disappeared. He obviously went to look for the main inheritance, so Xia Feng quickly went to his ladies.

"Come back to me!"

"Wait, Feng-"


Before erossu ladies could answer him, Xia Feng quickly took them back to his dantian. He had the same with Earis and she looked at him with yet another confusion as there was deep worry within his eyes.

Just when she tried to say something, Xia Feng touched her body and the lady disappeared into his dantian as well.

Naturally, Xia Feng was worried that they might get separated.

They have erossu chains and if they got sent somewhere far away from him, Xia Feng wasn't sure what could happen to them... Or maybe his worry was unnecessary as the erossu book would make sure that they won't get separated?