Xia Feng and Lilimoon - Erossu~~ Erossu~~ Erossu~~

As Lilimoon woke up, she could feel something different.

She was naturally all hot and her body was laying on something nice. Of course, by opening her eyes, the lady could see Xia Feng looking at her with gentle eyes. Her heart jumped slightly and the unknown feelings that were not unknown anymore overwhelmed her.

Lilimoon tightened the hug, then began kissing his chest as if asking for another round. She carefuly let her tongue trail around his nipples, then she trembled, feeling Xia Feng's fingers stretching out her pink hole.

It was... pleasureable... For sure.

"I have already made preparation, Lilimoon. Since you want to be thoroughly treated by me, I have worked hard~~"

"I am sure you enjoyed it. Feng... Let's end it with my ass, okay? A little more, and I will get too attached..."

"It's fine, Lilimoon... It will make our reunion much more sweet, no?"
