The Erossu Messiah moves.

The blonde beauty looked over the white beast with hatred! Her eyes were releasing a lot of tears, but more importantly, she was hating herself... After all, Sei Maimea had accepted and cultivated this very white qi for all her life.

While not even suspecting anything! She should know that something is off when the new techniques and methods to raise the qi appeared out of nowhere... 

Of course, everyone believed that they are progressing and that getting new techniques is thanks to their special qi method...

After all, where the hell cultivators can gather the white light from? The Yiris Sect could only rely on themselves and their cultivation! The light particles were born out from the fallen cultivators or sacrificed!

So, Sei Maimea should suspect something...

But instead, she enjoyed the strong power and new cultivation methods that were a mere imagination.

'Foolish human!'