Once a month, the erossu gets that special qi!

The divine bloodline was bountiful in a knowledge.

Xia Feng was getting a lot information, but it wasn't like everyone from an angel or fallen race could just have their bloodline 'activated' on a whim. There were naturally the cases where one would get an information that could change the flow of the battle or even save a life.

But Xia Feng was having an easier time thanks to his body that wasn't stained by any genes or bloodline, thus, his divine bloodline was that of the best quality.

So, just from listening alone, Xia Feng had learnt way more than he should.

The Blue Asura!

They are kind of spirits, but their raceman had developed their powers in quite brutal way, so Xia Feng found it surprising to see Miss Ophia being so cheerful and nice in a natural way. This is the erossu senses right here!

He knows!