The Rules Of The Reincarnation Emperor

A few month passed.

It was a short time for the cultivations, but as Xia Feng increased a pace of his hunts, one could say that he had left a deep marks of himself within every household. His water body had advanced so much that Xia Feng felt like breaking the rules of the cultivation world.

It means his confidence is so high within the lands of the Water Rippling Kingdom.

Xia Feng awakened in his room in Miss Evelin's house.

From all the women he had met in the Water Rippling Kingdom, only Miss Evelin and Miss Ophia were the ones that stood out personality wise. A personality that satisfied the erossu! Of course, only Miss Evelin was very close with Xia Feng.

So she herself can turn better from now on!

That's the good effect of the erossu!