Xia Feng wants to become a prince

Mana was the strongest prodigy.

His fire meridians were of a rare beast, so he was truly someone valuable. His status as Celestial Superstar had gathered also a lot of traffic and women were trying to reach him without him doing anything.

What comes with women is benefits and their daddies!

It was a time for the bussiness, but Mana had long disappeared somewhere. A few powers had spotted a powerful qi radiations, so they estimated a powerful treasure to be here. It couldn't be recognized, so many forces had gone there.

Mana hoped for some fire treasure to keep growing.

However, he died like an idiot and it was solely because he lied to his wife. He was the successor and prodigy of Three Fire Gates Kingdom! The status was so huge that if utilized properly, then Mana might've reached the divine realms related to a fire qi.

Fool was truly a good word to describe him.