Xia Feng meets Mr. Bruan!

It was normal breakfast.

Xia Feng, Scarlet and Sara were eating the breakfast like a good family. Everyone was already as close as possible, so Xia Feng also invited some of his women who were willing to see the homelands of Scarlet.

This turned into a fluffy atmosphere completely unfitting the erossu master.

Yet the good erossu master truly became the term within Sara's mind. She glanced at everyone, then introduced herself as Scarlet's mother. The lady was looking more into the fire ladies as some were known to be friends of her daughter.

The friends that had gone through a lot together.

Then, the fluffy breakfast ended.

Xia Feng decided to use his new title and powers to meet the special individual called Bruan. He is the one who makes the most decision in the Glass Fire Sect. His ambitions were soaring lately which pleased a lot of people who began growing in strength as well.