Chapter 21: Tini Mini

Jungkook just might die.

Because honestly, no one prepared him for this. He was sat on a big mat on the ground, a big playing mat that he bought not too long ago. Amongst other stuff. Like the new crotch clip onesie that Jimin was currently rolling around in, it had adorable animals printed on it. Brand new matching bib around his neck and new custom made pacifier with animals on it attached to his onesie with his new pacifier clip. Brand new socks with cute frills so Jimin's little feet don't get cold, and ok, maybe Jungkook went a little overboard when he got his paycheck but really, Jimin deserved nothing but the best.

But Jungkook might die from cuteness overload as Jimin continued to roll around and babble. Stopping at times to clap along to Team Umizoomi playing on the tv, drool dripping down his chin as he giggled.

"Messy boy" he cooed, reaching over to clean up Jimin's mouth with his bib. Jimin giggled, crawling over to him and headbutting Jungkook softly on his chest. Jungkook scooped him up easily to lay across his lap, nuzzling into his neck to blow soft raspberries.

Jimin squeaked "Dada!" kicking his feet as he squirmed, Jimin's twinkling giggles sounding in the room.

Jungkook gave his neck a kiss before raising up to look at Jimin's smiling face. Brushing his bangs out his face, kissing softly on his forehead. "Such a happy baby, aren't you?"

Jimin in little space was one thing, but Jimin in baby space was a whole other. They have been exploring it for a while now, both learning about themselves and one another. Jimin expressed to him once how easy it was to slip into headspace around him, so easy that he slipped deeper and deeper each time. Jungkook found he was in a similar state, the deeper Jimin fell, Jungkook was falling right behind him.

Like now, how Jimin is softly chewing on three of his own fingers, looking up at Jungkook as if he put the stars in the sky. The feeling to protect and to simply look after Jimin, to love him with every fiber of his being, set his soul ablaze.

Jimin wriggled in his lap, a sign Jungkook is starting to become familiar with. "Potty baby? You can't hold it in, bad for you." Jungkook carefully stood up, adjusting Jimin in his arms then made his way to the bathroom. Jungkook put him down just in front of the toilet, Jimin's legs a little unstable so he had to hold him up. Jimin whined in embarrassment, hiding his blushing face in Jungkook's neck, the younger chuckled softly. "It's ok love, Daddy will help you" he reached down to unsnap Jimin's onesie, pulling down his underwear then gently adjusted the little around to face the toilet. Jimin continued to hide his face, hands gripping tightly to Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook secured one hand on Jimin's waist, the other on his lower stomach "Let it go prince, it's ok, Daddy's got you."

Not long after Jimin did let go, face blushing brighter as Jungkook held his soft penis steady. Once he was finished Jungkook grabbed a small wad of tissue to wipe the tip, throwing it in the toilet and flushing. "Good boy" Jungkook praised as he pulled up his underwear, but didn't snap the onesie back "Such a good boy, you tried to use the big boy potty didn't you" Jungkook moved them to the sink, grabbing the soap and washing their hands together, Jungkook's hands completely encasing Jimin's. "But I think" Jungkook grabbed the hand towel to dry their hands "You're too little for the big boy potty. Don't you agree baby?" Jimin nodded without second thought, if Daddy said so then it must be true.

With that Jungkook picked Jimin up with ease, trodding into their shared bedroom. He placed Jimin softly on top of the bed, placing his binki in his mouth to sooth him. "I have just what you need little boy" Jungkook sing songed as he tapped Jimin's button nose. Jungkook walked over to their closet, pulling something out from the bottom before coming back, that's when Jimin saw the baby powder and diaper in the younger's hands. The diapers was also one of the many things Jungkook bought, they had a decent amount for beginners. They both had discussed it and did research, deciding that when the time was right they would use it. Jimin whined, face so red at this point as he hid behind his hands. "Hey now" Jungkook chuckled, putting the stuff aside for the time being, leaning down to place a kiss on Jimin's belly button, slowly kissing his way up until he made it up to Jimin's face, moving his little hands that are covering his face. He kissed his nose, forehead, chubby cheeks, then placed a kiss on his pacifier. "You have no reason to be embarrassed about this baby, and we talked about this yeah? You know what to say if you really don't like it, your safeword ok baby?" Jimin nodded shyly "Good. Good boy. Now let's get this on you" Jungkook pecked Jimin's pacifier again before moving back up, grabbing the baby powder to pour some generously on Jimin's crotch, after he pulled off his underwear. He noticed Jimin beginning to squirm, looking everywhere but Jungkook, so Jungkook reached over for Mr NumNums to give to Jimin to distract him.

Jungkook gently massaged the powder into Jimin's skin, making sure to get the areas Jimin could get a diaper rash. The soft lavender scent gave a calming atmosphere, Jimin looking more relaxed as he played with his stuffie. Jungkook opened up the diaper, lifting Jimin's legs up so his hips would raise off the bed, placing the diaper under his bum then securing it, snapping the onesie up after. Jimin found the feeling of the nappy quite comforting and almost safe in the way, wriggling as he relished in the feeling. "There we go! My padded Prince" Jungkook kissed the instep on Jimin's foot. Jimin clapped his hands, his coordination a little off but Jungkook found it so adorable. "Let's get you something to eat."

Jimin dropped his stuffie, spat out his binki but the clipped saved it from falling completely, still clapping his hands as he babbled "Dada!...Da Da DA!". Jungkook laughed as he wiped up the drool down Jimin's chin "You're such a happy boy aren't you? Gosh you're so little. Want some mashed banana's baby?" Jungkook said excitedly, trying to hype Jimin up, and it got the desired effect as Jimin squealed excitedly, kicking his feet before making grabby hands at Jungkook. Jungkook hummed along at Jimin's babbling, picking him up and carrying him back to his playing mat. He placed the little down close to his toys before moving to the kitchen, preparing mashed bananas in Jimin's Pororo bowl. Jungkook picked up sanitary wipes on his way back, placing the bowl in front of Jimin. "Here you go Prince, you can be as messy as you want" Jungkook said has he cleaned Jimin's hands, placing a kiss on top his head before sitting on the couch, alternating between watching Jimin and the tv.

Jimin got more banana on his face and bib than he did in his mouth, squishing it between his fingers, but Jungkook let him be, he actually thought it was cute. Time went on with Jimin content in his own world, Jungkook keeping an eye on him but was slowly dozing off. Just as he closed his eyes Jimin started whining, Jungkook blinked open his eyes to see Jimin wiggling as if uncomfortable. Jimin let out a fake cry, cheeks rosy red, crawling over between Jungkook's legs. "What's the matter pumpkin?" but Jimin didn't answer, Jungkook took notice of how embarrassed Jimin's face looked as he tried to hide, wiggling his bottom and Jungkook took a guess of what happened. "Do you need a nappy change sweetheart?"Jungkook pulled the back of the nappy up to see that Jimin indeed wet himself, he must have been so into headspace he didn't even think to control his bladder. "Good boy, using your diaper. Let's get you changed" He wiped Jimin's face and hands clean then carried him back to the bedroom, easing him on the bed once again. Kissing his cheek and offering him back his stuffie, Jimin shook the bear almost viciously, Jungkook made a mental note to buy him a rattle.

"Can't have you in a wet diapy now can we prince" Jungkook questioned as he walked over to the closet. Jimin gurgled unintelligibly.

Jungkook brought the changing supplies to the bed, carefully wiping down the little. Jimin tried to turn onto his stomach, Jungkook chuckled as he pinned his hips down. "Where you think you're going?"

Jimin babbled as if telling him where he was planning to go, Jungkook hummed along, sprinkling some baby powder before fastening a fresh clean diaper. "Hmm is that so? Well you're too little to be crawling away with no diaper"

Jimin rolled around once Jungkook snapped pack his onesie, Jungkook adoring the sight as he wrapped up the soiled diaper and throwing it in their bedroom trashcan. Soon though Jimin let out a yawn, rubbing his eyes with his little fists.

"Nap time" Jungkook declared, taking off his shorts and crawling into bed. He cuddled Jimin close to him before throwing the sheets over them. Kissing Jimin's nose before they both starting to drift off.