Jungkook looked himself over in the mirror, he had on a oversized blue jumper, the sleeves longer than his arms giving him sweater paws. His jeans were ripped at the knees, his small hoop earrings in place. He decided he will put on his Timberlands with the white soles to complete his outfit.
"Jimin, baby!" Jungkook called out "Let's get you dressed or we're gonna be late."
Jungkook could hear the pitter patter of incoming feet, Jimin soon teetering through the door, running into his awaiting arms.
"Sweet Pea, how many times does Daddy have to say 'No running in the house'?" Jungkook raised a brow playfully "Honestly, I'm starting to sound like a broken record"
"Sowy Daddy" Jimin giggled into his chest.
"Uh huh, sure you are" Jungkook sighed sarcastically.
He had already picked out Jimin's outfit earlier, setting them on the bed. He undressed Jimin out his onesie, putting on the red sweater with a black collar he picked out, cooing at how snug Jimin looked. Then he helped him put on simple black skinny jeans. Jungkook sat Jimin on the bed, took out a brush and comb to style his now pink hair. He put in Jimin's hoop earrings, similar to his own, and clapped once he was done.
"My stunning baby boy" Jungkook awed, kissing a giggly Jimin.
Jungkook took pride in how good him and his baby looked, loving that they were wearing each other's favorite color. Which he didn't plan by the way, nope, not at all.
"Daddy, will TaeTae oppa be at the party?" Jimin asked, kicking his legs lightly.
"Mm, I should think so" Jungkook picked up the wrapped present off the dresser before offering his other hand to Jimin "Come on baby, let's go."
Jimin skipped to him, taking his hand, and he lead them out to the hall way. He assisted Jimin in putting on his shiny dress shoes that strap across, putting on his jacket and big red scarf afterwards. Chuckling at how the scarf practically swallowed his little boyfriend. "Adorable."
He put on his own jacket and shoes, grabbing his keys, his and Jimin's phone before leading them through the door. When they reached the car Jungkook opened the passenger door for Jimin, buckling his seatbelt before closing the door, Jungkook was a gentleman after all. Once he got in his side of the car and buckled in, asking Jimin to hold on to the present so he could drive, which Jimin did so happily, he started the car and they were off. Hoseok luckily didn't live far away, 30 minutes at most, so it wouldn't be a long drive. But the atmosphere was filled with Jimin's giggles as he danced and sung along to the radio, Jungkook laughing and singing along with him. Right now Twice's 'TT' was playing and Jungkook found it adorable when Jimin pointed his index fingers down, thumbs under his eyes to do the signature move.
Soon they arrived to Hoseok's house, a good amount of cars were parked outside so it took a while for Jungkook to find a close enough parking spot. The thrum of the music could be heard outside, a few people chatting idly on the front lawn. Jungkook killed the engine before turning to Jimin.
"OK baby, there's gonna be a lot of people in there, a lot you probably don't know. So be careful who you talk to. No calling me 'Daddy' in public. If you need me you must come and get me. Lastly, absolutely no drinking the big boy juice. Got it baby?"
"Yes Daddy!" Jimin chirped
"Good boy" Jungkook praised, as he got out of the car before walking around to Jimin's side, opening the door and helping him out.
The beat out the music got louder as they approached the house, the door already open due to the constant people going in and out. He held Jimin's hand firmly in his as they walked through, there wasn't so many people to the point where they were packed like sardines, but there was still a good amount. Jungkook looked around trying to find a familiar face, smiling when he saw someone he hasn't seen in awhile.
"Seokjin hyung!" Jungkook called as he approached the man, Seokjin twirled around at the sound of his name.
"Jungkookie! Jiminie!" he gave each of the younger a hug.
"Hi Hyungie!" Jimin waved at him, Seokjin practically cooing at how cute he is.
"I didn't think you guys would make it" Namjoon said as he appeared out of nowhere, flinging an arm over Seokjin's shoulders. He smiled at Jimin who waved at him, waving back.
"No way would we miss out Hoseok's hyung birthday party, speaking of Hoseok, where is he? We need to give him this" Jungkook gestured to the present still in Jimin's hand.
"Ah, he was in the kitchen last time I checked" Namjoon nodded his head in the direction of said kitchen.
"Thanks hyung, we'll see you around" Jungkook lead them towards the kitchen, having to dodge a few people to get through, and was happy when he saw Hoseok.
"Hoseok hyung!" Hoseok turned from the conversation he was having with someone to see the two coming.
"Hey! So glad you guys could make it" Hoseok cheered, hugging them much like how Seokjin did.
"Happy birthday Hyung!" Jimin smiled, offering the present to the older, who took it with a big smile of his own.
"Aww thanks lil guy" he ruffled Jimin's hair who blushed prettily.
They talked with Hoseok for a while, before Hoseok had to go to greet other guests and told them to enjoy the party. Soon they found Seokjin and Namjoon again, catching up with each other and promising to hang out soon. Taehyung and Yoongi made their appearance, Hoseok not long after joining them and it felt good to have all seven of them together again. Due to school, work, and life, they never really had much time to hang out like this, but Taehyung made everyone promise that they would all hang out again. Hoseok soon left again, it was his party so he tried to talk to everyone, and Taehyung was dragging a reluctant Yoongi to the dance floor, the rest of them laughing as Taehyung practically had to move Yoongi's body for him.
"Da-...Jungkook can we go dance?" Jimin asked, blushing at his almost mistake.
But Jungkook just smiled, taking his hand to lead them to the dance floor "Of course."
Some kind of upbeat song was playing, and the two of them laughed as they danced carelessly. Taehyung and Yoongi joined them and the four of them danced, well the 3 of them and Yoongi who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. But everyone could see through his false facade and knew he's happy anywhere Taehyung was. The music changed to some type of trap music, they started laughing at Taehyung who was trying (Read: trying) to rap along to it, Yoongi rolled his eyes but failed to hide his smile.
Soon the music changed to a slower, more sensual, rhythm and Taehyung squealed as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend to slow dance with him. Jungkook recognized the song, 'Cave me in' by Gallant, Taehyung always had it on repeat. He could see Seokjin and Namjoon dance together, the two smiling lovingly at each other. Jungkook drew Jimin into his arms, the latter giggling as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, nuzzling happily into his chest. Jungkook nuzzled his nose into the crown of Jimin's head, placing kisses every now and then as the two danced.
The music turned to a more upbeat song, at one point Jungkook looked up only to see a sight he never thought he'd see. Taehyung and Yoongi were dancing, but it wasn't just them. Hoseok was slot in between them, Yoongi to his back and Taehyung to his front, their hands joined on Hoseok's hip, as the three of them danced (more like grinded) together, it was quite an... intimate sight.
Jimin was about to look back to see what caught Jungkook's attention so much, but Jungkook quickly held his head to his chest because no, his baby was too innocent.
A couple of Jimin's friends soon appeared, Taemin and Chanyeol, and Jungkook encourages Jimin to go talk with them. Though Jimin would rather stay by his boyfriend's side, he hasn't properly spoken with his friends in a good while. So with a quick kiss he leaves to go do just that.
They talk easily, catching up and keeping up to date with each other. Taemin and him have a dance project coming up, and though they didn't get partnered up, they promised to still help each other. Taemin and Chanyeol each had a red cup full of alcohol, the same alcohol that Jungkook prohibited him from drinking, so when Chanyeol offers him a cup he kindly refuses.
The party is still thrumming wildly as they talk and laugh, but Jimin stops when he looks around, eyes spotting Jungkook. He was talking with Yugyeom, which is fine, but with them was another boy who Jimin doesn't recognize.
He didn't really look Korean, probably Chinese? He looked young, probably Jungkook's age. His hair a bright red that stood out. He was quite tall, practically the same height as Jungkook, he had soft but manly features, which annoyed Jimin for unknown reasons. The three of them were conversing in a corner, away from the dancing bodies. Yugyeom and the unnamed boy both had a red cup in their hand, Jungkook also had a cup which was likely to be soda because he's a responsible driver.
Now don't get Jimin wrong, he wasn't the jealous type, honest. But there was something that irked him about the boy, the way he was standing so close to Jungkook. The way he smiled at Jungkook, it wasn't a friendly smile like Yugyeom's, no, it was a little more than that. The way his laugh looked so exaggerated at something Jungkook said and he was so... touchy. The way he playfully hit Jungkook, his fingers lingering on Jungkook's bicep for a second longer, Jimin didn't like that, not one bit.
But the way he carried himself, with such confidence and Jimin could bet he wasn't insecure like Jimin. He can bet that the boy didn't need someone to hold his hand or feed him or rock him to sleep. The boy probably dressed himself today, unlike Jimin who needed Jungkook's help. He probably didn't need someone to bottle feed him or check under the bed for monsters or pacifiers to soothe him. He probably didn't need a Daddy at all, because he was a big boy, unlike Jimin. And maybe...maybe that's what Jungkook wanted?
"On second thought, I think I'll have that drink" Jimin had to force his eyes away from the sight, looking back to Chanyeol who was still holding the drink he previously offered. If Jungkook wanted a big big, he could be a big boy.
Chanyeol was about to chug down the drink but paused, before shrugging and giving the drink to Jimin and grabbing another drink for himself. Jimin looked down into the cup, a frosty red liquid looking back, with a deep breathe he gulped it down in one go. His nose crinkled at the strong taste, but this was big boy juice and he needed to be a big boy.
Four cups later and Jimin was feeling dizzy, Chanyeol and Taemin not looking as affected as him, he had his fifth cup in his hand and he chugged it down, the taste wasn't getting any better. His vision blurred a little before focusing, he was about to take a step but he swayed and bumped into Taemin.
"Hey, Minnie, you okay?" Taemin helped keep him up, chuckling a little though he looked a little worried "I think you had too much to drink"
"M'kay" Jimin slurred "I" -hiccup- "I need to find Kookie."
Jimin tried to take another step but almost tumbled to the ground if it wasn't for Taemin and Chanyeol on either side of him keeping him up.
"Woah there lil guy" Chanyeol chuckled. "We'll take you to him since you can't even take one step."
They helped carry Jimin towards where Jungkook was stood, Jimin hiccuping every now and then. Jungkook stopped talking when he was them coming, brow furrowing with worry as he met them halfway.
"What happened?" He demanded as he took Jimin from their hold, having to ground himself as Jimin fell like dead weight in his arms.
"One too many drinks" was Taemin's explanation, him and Chanyeol leaving knowing Jimin was fine now that he was with Jungkook.
Jimin looked up from Jungkook's chest to his face, wincing at the upset look he got in return.
"Jimin, what did I say about drinking?" Jungkook raised his brow and no, Jungkook was disappointed with him. Jimin was about to open his mouth but stopped at the sound of another voice.
"Jungkook, is everything ok?" Jimin looked over Jungkook's shoulder to see a red head boy and a very amused Yugyeom.
"Ah, Minghao" So Mr soft but manly had a name "I'm sorry but I have to go and take my...intoxicated boyfriend home" Jungkook smiled apologetically to Minghao, an annoyed one at a snickering Yugyeom, before making his way through the crowd with Jimin.
"Boyfriend?" Minghao whispered, but Jungkook was already gone.
It wasn't easy but he managed to get a swaying Jimin out of the house and to the car, practically having to move his legs for him. He shut the door once he got Jimin in before moving over to his side of the car, buckling them in before he started driving off.
"Jimin, why did you drink the big boy juice that Daddy specifically told you not to?" Jimin shrunk at the disappointed tone, he could feel tears brimming, was this not what Jungkook wanted?
"M-minnie" -hiccup- "Minnie wan'ed to be a big b-boy for Daddy" Jimin mumbled
Jungkook was surprised to see the tears trail down the flushed cheeks as he quickly glanced at him, confused as to why Jimin was so upset. "Be a big boy for Daddy? What do you mean sweetpea? Why are you crying baby?"
Jimin sniffled, trying to wipe away his tears "B-B-beauce Daddy wants a big boy, not a-a wittle" -hiccup- "boy like Jiminnie" tears and snot was running down Jimin's face. Jungkook reached an arm behind his seat into Jimin's 'emergency little bag' they kept there, pulling out the wet wipes and giving them to for him to wipe his face. He would do it himself but he had to drive them safely home.
"Baby, what on earth are you talking about? I love you big or small, where is all this coming from?"
"Daddy likes red hair guy" Jimin whispered.
"Red hair guy?" Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed before he chuckled in realization "You mean Minghao? He's a friend baby, well more Yugyeom's friend than mine but, whatever. Is that what this is about baby? That still doesn't explain why you drank."
Jimin sunk further into his seat, tears still freely falling from his eyes. "Red hair guy is a big b-boy like Daddy, Minnie thought Daddy" -Hiccup- "Wan'ed a big boy s-so Jimin drank the big boy juice so Daddy would think" -Hiccup- "Minnie was a big boy too so he wouldn't leave Minnie. Jiminnie loves Daddy, Daddy is so perfect and handsome a-and Minnie don wan Daddy to leave Minnie for red hair guy." Jimin continued to ramble on in one big breath, tears stained his flushed cheeks, hiccups breaking his speech now and then. Jungkook's heart broke at the heartfelt confession, grateful for the red light so he could turn to look at his crying boyfriend.
"Shh, shh, hey calm down. It's okay baby, stop crying" Jungkook took some wet wipes to clean Jimin's face, smiling sadly when Jimin nuzzled into his touch. "Oh you silly pumpkin, Daddy would never leave you, not for red hair guy, not for anybody" Jungkook stretched over to gently kiss Jimin, whose lips were trembling against his.
"Daddy n-not leaving?" Jimin's voice cracked slightly.
"No baby. Never. Daddy would never leave you, I love you baby boy, big or small. Besides I love looking after you, I love that you trust me to look after you baby, I wouldn't change that for the world. I love you so, so much Jimin" Jungkook whispered against Jimin's lips, chastely kissing him before he had to drive again at the green light.
He held Jimin's hand tightly with the hand not on the steering wheel, raising the little hand up to kiss it now and then. "I love you too Daddy."
When they arrived home, Jungkook helped Jimin out his clothes and into a onesie with colorful stars on it, placing a pacifier in between his lips. He stripped out of his clothes in exchange for a soft shirt and shorts, before tucking them both in bed, it was coming close to midnight.
He held Jimin in his arms, the smaller laying on top his chest and he rocked them gently. "I love you Minnie, so so much. You're my everything, the only one in my eyes". He continued to rocked them until Jimin fell asleep, still whispering words of love into his ears, and he was more than happy to help Jimin nurse his aching hangover in the morning.