


"This time around I should start with my taijutsu, so first I need is a form a foundation of taijutsu.. which is a tough body and quick reflexes "

" Lets start with running .."

*Starts running around the mountains*

*One hour later*

"Ha Ha ha (panting*) its to - to - tou- tough

its just been an hour and I am completely exhausted, I am too weak right now , No I shouldn't stop this is for the village I must keep train my body to the utmost limits"

*15 minutes later*

*Naruto passed out *

*30 min later *

-wakes up

"whaa I passed out just by running a bit oh

wait I am not feeling exhausted anymore ,

did kurama shared some chakra with me.."

"come to think of it , I haven't talked to hi since i got here.."

But everthing is the same as it was during my young days then it means he also becomes like his old self.." THE EMBODIMENT OF ANGER AND HATRED -- THE NINETAILED FOX " *In a Sarcastic tone

"Ahhh, how am I gonna convince him again this time , I really need to become strong so I shouldn't wait for this to happen on its own.."

"Oh man I seriously have so much on my plate.."

" hmmm, now how should I do it .."

*closed his eyes*

*drip* *drip*

*suddenly his consciosness enter inside the seal where kurama resides*

"oye beast , monster whatever you call yourself.." *In a loud tobe *

gomen ne kurama ( I'm sorry kurama) " *inside head

(He is talking to kurama as it is his first time talking to him, though technically it is )

"huhh.." *Kurama reacts to his tone

*Stand up*


"you damn Brat, how dare you intrude my sleep.."

"This is my body I can do whatever I want.." *Naruto says