
Sage arts

*two months have passed since the seal break*

"Naruto continued to work on hs training to control the massive chakra of Ninetails"

*Location -- Besides the river, Where he performed his first summoning*

Naruto : I am gaining a little more control, but my body because of being so little is too fragile, I can't use Kurama's Chakra too well

Kurama : You asked earlier for my help , What was that about..?

Naruto : right, I should tell you about .. what is going to happen...

(Naruto informs about the situation on uchiha to kurama)

Kurama : So, you don't know the precise day to when this is going to happen, then how are going to proceed..?

Naruto : Don't worry, I have a plan and for that I need the arts to conceal my presence which I am currently lacking.. thats why I'm trying to maintain the control over the chakra..

do you any other way to hide the presence

Kurama : Yes there is , but it would be even more difficult..

Naruto : really what is it .. tell me even it is difficult.

Kurama : THE SAGE ARTS.. this is a technique my old man used to perform..

Naruto : Ah the sage mode , yeah why did I forgot.. it can completely hide my presence by blending my chakra with the surroundings

Kurama : You know about the sage arts..?

Naruto : Ofcourse, I even know how to perform the sage arts..

Kurama : then why are bragging, even I know that arts , just start take the nature energy already..

Naruto : yeah ,right

* Naruto sat down and try to gathering nature energy , but he couldn't sense the nature energy *

Kurama : hahaha Thats it, thats all you know about sage art, sitting down and do nothing, you can't even sense it ..

Naruto : shu - shut it.. it never happened before , No , it happened alright at first I couldn't sense the energy so I need a little exposure to the nature energy...

yeah the Toad oil.. oh and where am I gonna find the toad oil here,

its no use its hopeless

*even though Kurama saw that Naruto couldn't sense the energy , He could clearly see the perfect stance to perform the sage arts, which noone can do without any practice, it made him think that naruto can perform with a little exposure to nature energy*

Kurama : yeah its hopeless because its you ,

guess it can't be helped,I would help you out..

Naruto : How are YOU gonna help me out here.. right now I need toad oil.. do you have it.

Kurama : How could I possess something I don't even know ( while shouting ), Just shut up and take the proper stance and meditate properly without losing composure,

I am going to gather nature energy i your stead

Naruto : Oh yeah, I forgot you can do something like that.. but would it be too much for me if you gather energy..

Kurama : I'm not an idiot, I know how much your body can tolerate..

*Naruto sit down and began to meditate, and Kurama also started to gather the nature energy *

Naruto : Yes- yes ,I can feel it now the , nature energy is flowing into me (Naruto started talking inside his head), No I should stop talking to myself or I may lose my composure

*After a few second *

" Naruto eye turned yellow as if it is like, as a toad's and his eye border colour turned right and he also gain a little more features as toad "

Naruto :Yes I can feel the surge of powee inside me , Did I do it , Am I complete sage now..*He asked to Kurama

Kurama - P-probably..

*Naruto rushed to the river, to see his appearance, What he saw is that his face show more than one sign of toad's appearance that was used to be his eyes which are look alike to a toad but now his whole face looks like a toad, even his face become bigger "

Naruto - Aaaahh ( screaming ) , what happened to my face, did I failed , why I look more toad than a human , wuuahh am I going to turn into a stone , am I going to die somebody save me..

Kurama you little.. I remember you told me that you can do this pretty well but look at me now.. I swear I will curse you death..

Kurama : Ah jeez , shut up and listen, I didn't made any mistake..

Naruto : Then what about this, while pointing at his own face ..

Kurama : Your body is not adapt to the nature energy right now ,

so after some training you can achieve the normal appearance of a sage so just shut and start maintaining control on this energy..

And you will turned to normal after a few minutes or if you want to turn back now just blast that energy ..

Naruto : Blast it ?? How ?

Kurama : Just throw a punch or whatever..

Naruto : Oh Okay ?

(Naruto then throw a punch in air containing all the nature enrgy, which cause a massive air pressure resulting in destroying all the plants and trees which were just up ahead of naruto and even completely shredding the giant rock which was stuck in the ground)

Naruto : Oh crap.. What was that..? It was like an air cannon or something , Oh boy , it was very powerful. Aahh ( surge of pain ) , what was that ?

"Naruto then notice that his arm is completely covered in blood "

OoWw What is this ?, how did it happened?

Kurama : What did you think was gonna happen.. You idiot? releasing all that energy in a single strike .. you didn't left a little to handle

the rebound .

Naruto : But you told me to release it by throwing a punch ..

Kurama : How would I know that you would be such a dimwit to not realising the consequence ti release all the power in a single strike..

Oh sorry , my bad ,I already know that you are a dimwit and still gave you advice ,I should've know about your monkey business ..

Naruto : Ah sure sure call me whatever you want but do something about this , it hurts a lot.

Kurama : oh right, I will heal you but don't put so much pressure on it for a while..

Naruto : Yes- Yes, Kurama sensei..( sarcastic tone )

Kurama : Do you want me to heal you or not ..?

Naruto : No -No , please do ..