

"Its almost been an Year since I've returned to this time of my life and things are going pretty well, I've been training my body like crazy to improve my taijutsu and sage mode to give my physical attributes a temporary boost"

"If I were to say , my base level is on par with a low rank chunin more or less"

"Also I've managed to get some information on foundation works in the konoha library,

Yes library I went to the library for the first time in my entire life, isn't it a great achievement on my part, coming back to the topic , I didn't find any secret files on them but I do found out out the core member besides the founder i.e. Danzo , but it is also non relevant as they always hides themselves under their mask., and above else I already know about their hollow ideals which might help me in the near future "

'well thats about it'

The main event today is my examination on entering the Academy which is today, thats why I stayed at my room waiting for the Old man third'


Naruto : (Oh , he arrived) COMING..

(opens the door)

Naruto : you are late, I was waiting.. like forever..

Hiruzen : Ohoho.. excited are we.. So waiting for a whole year was too much for you..

Naruto : No - No not that , I was just thinking of getting it over with as soon as possible..

Hiruzen : hey thats rude to say it like that, everyone tries so hard to enter the Academy..

or is that you are embarrassed to admit you were excited..

Naruto : I told you .. thats not it..

Hiruzen : Okay - Okay , now lets go or you will miss this time too.

Naruto : Yeah ,right

( Both started heading out for the academy )

Hiruzen : Hey, Naruto ,did you prepare for the examination this time.

Naruto : I think i did everything I could .

( its not like i needed to do anything , I just wanted to pass this one year ,so I did)

Hiruzen : Oh you better be, because this time its different than the others

Naruto : What different ?

Hiruzen : You will find it out when the time comes

Naruto : Huh..?

( they arrived at the academy )

Naruto : woah there are so many students..

Hiruzen : they are not students yet.. Naruto you have to steel yourself.. this time only 30 students are going to be selected by the academy..

Naruto : only 30 ?, (well I don't really remember , how many were selected in my previous life , so I don't care i just have to be selected )

Hiruzen : ( Naruto , you better be prepared or this will be very tough for you , there are lot of teachers here who don't want you to be seen here )

Naruto : You said something?

Hiruzen : No its nothing.. Okay Naruto go for it good luck

Naruto : Okay.. I'm going..

( everyone was ordered to head towards their assigned examination hall )

Teacher : okay everyone take your seats..

okay now I will explain to you about the examination , everyone will be handed down a questionnaire containing the question of basic arithmetic and common knowledge ..

*while staring at Naruto*

( hehe, that monter child wasn't taught by anyone so this would like any impossible task for him )

there are a total of 159 students taking this exams, which are divided equally in three different examination hall and only top 60 students would be selected , your time limit will be 90 minutes and maximum marks obtainable will be 100

Naruto :( 60 student but the old man told me that this time its going to be 30 students..Whats going on here ?)

Teacher :okay student good luck, and cheating is not allowed if anyone is caught he will be immediately be disqualified understand.

Students : Yessir.. ( in sync )

( Teachers started passing out the questionnaire to the students )

* The hall's atmosphere was pretty intense *

*Naruto realised something was up with the teacher but didn't react *

Naruto : (after seeing the question paper)

They are... So easy .. ofcourse one would expect from the questions given to a kid

*only 20 minutes had passed and almost every student was scratching their head *

*Naruto stands up and head toward the teacher *

Teacher : whats up .. don't you know? you are not allowed to go to toilet during examination so go back to your seat

Naruto : No , I'm done

Teacher : what do you mean I'm done?

Naruto : It means i've completed the test and I would like to leave

*everyone including the teachers were shocked *

Teacher : What do you mean by that ? there's no way you can complete that test.

Naruto : But I did, you can see it if you don't believe

Teacher : *After seeing something written on the answer sheet * ( No way, don't tell he just complete that in just 20 minutes , But no worry it is I who is going to determine whether he pass or not, I will just throw the answer sheet away and claim he never submitted )

*After handing the answer sheet Naruto left *

*After a few hours the result for the examination was going to announce And everyone was handed out their answer sheet to check their results *

Teacher : Hello students, we have handed down your answer sheets to you and the results whether you pass or fail in this test is written on it

Naruto : Umm.. Teacher. I didn't get the sheet..

Teacher 2 : May be you didn't submit the answer sheet

*The teacher that received the test from naruto arrived *

Naruto : Hey you are the one that submitted my test.. where is my answer sheet

Teacher 1 : huh.. oh you.. no wonder you handed me down that crap in just 20 minutes

Naruto : Crap ? What do you mean by crap ?

Teacher 1 - Of course it was a piece of crap.. a complete trash , I just threw it away..

Naruto : What you threw it away ?? just like that.

* Hiruzen arrived the scene *

Hiruzen : Whats this commotion ?

Teacher1 : Its nothing Lord Hokage , its just this brat is fussing over something that shouldn't matter

Naruto : shouldn't matter you say.. jī-chan( gramps ), he didn't even check my answer and just threw it away .

Hiruzen : Oh reallly ??

Teacher1 : ( backing off a little ) ofcourse not Lord Hokage I check his answer sheets bht there was nothing written on it worth checking which made me furious and I threw it away in the dustbin.

Some student nearby : Yes Lord Hokage , that boy handed the answer sheet right after it started so there's no way he had written something useful

Hiruzen : Naruto, Is that right?

Naruto : Itss.. umm..

Hiruzen : Is that right ?? ( a little louder )

Naruto : Yess.. but I completed my test then after I submitted it.

Hiruzen : No we are done talking, lets go you already failed so there's no point in continuing this conversation

Naruto : No wait a minute

Teacher1 : yes Lord Hokage , take that monster from here

* Hiruzen suddenly stares at him *

Teacher1 : I'm sorry

Naruto : I- I can prove it ( Naruto shouts )

(You sly fox I already saw slit coming from a mile away )

Hiruzen : How ??

Naruto : Just give me minute, please

Teacher1 : There's no way you can do it, just get out of here

Hiruzen : Shut it (while glaring)..

Naruto how are you going to prove it..?