
Shisui Uchiha

"After a short while"

Naruto : You feeling okay now ?

Ninja : Yes .. I think I am

Naruto : what happened to you all of a sudden ?

Ninja : I don't know please leave it at that .. please..

Naruto : fine, I won't.. okay I'm going to ask you some questions and you tell me everything honestly

Ninja : okay but first tell me . you didn't saw any dream, you were telling the truth and you know that its going to happen right ..

Naruto : N-No it was a ..

Ninja : please tell me the truth

Naruto : yes, it is going to happen and also very soon..

Ninja : I see , so I did all that for nothing..

Naruto : What ?

Ninja : No its nothing... You were going to asking me some questions right ? fine, I will tell you anything ..

Naruto : First tell me your name ?

Ninja : my name is Shisui , Shisui Uchiha ..

Naruto : Shisui Uchiha .. I think i've heard it somewhere before but where ? Ah I'cant remember, anyway why happened to you yesterday?, why were you covered in blood

and what happened to your eyes ?

Shisui : I was caught off guard in an ambush and I lost one of my eye to them ..

Naruto : who were they , what village were they from and why did they attack you ?

Shisui : They were from the hidden leaf village and they were after my eye..

Naruto : your eye ?

Shisui : you see my eyes possess a special kind of ability which can manipulate anyone without them knowing there were being manipulated and its known as ..

Naruto : Kotoamatsukami..

Shisui : Huh ..? you know about that

Naruto : I think I know what's going on,

Shisui : what ?

Naruto : You said you were attacked by some members of hidden leaf , they from the foundation , right ?

Shisui : yes..

Naruto : and you also said they took one of your eye so that means you deliberately handed your second eye to someone close to you, and the one you passed it to is the same person I mentioned earlier , Itachi Uchiha right ?

Shisui : yes, but how do you know all this

Naruto : don't worry about that, just focus on how we can evade the upcoming situation right now

Shisui : Yeah right, do you any plans..

Naruto : oye oye you are asking too much from a kid..

Shisui : Oh right, I forgot that you are only a child , I thought i was talking to someone with a lot of experience to the ninja way

Naruto : ( well you are , but I can't tell you that )

The situation right now is very difficult , there are very high chances of civil war, so the road ahead is very rough we have to very careful

Shisui : hmm right , I should talk to our clan leader right now to stop this he can surely do something

Naruto : No , you can't seeing your condition and knowing the culprit behind all this the whole clan will wage war on the leaf , so you must ensure to not let anyone know that you are alive ok

Shisui : yeah you are right.. but what should we do now i can't do anything as I am right now

Naruto : Don't worry once this is over I will get your eyes back and you have to promise me that you won't kill yourself

Shisui : okay I promise..so what's the plan..

Naruto : I will tell but not now I need two more people your friend Itachi So I will get him here so you must convince him for the co-op

Shisui : and the other ?

Naruto : I will convince other so you don't worry about that for now and you just worry about your own recovery don't let anyone find you out..and I will get him here tonight and also I will bring some food during evening time so hang in there until then..

Shisui : Ah okay don't worry about that , you are already doing so much for us and you are just a kid ..

and I know it is too late to ask but what is your name ?

Naruto : My name is Naruto Uzumaki ..

Shisui : Na - ru - to

Naruto : ( Oh crap how can i let my name slip out like that , now he will know who I am , everyone think of me as a monster , so he he will too and and , there goes all my planning , damn it )

Shisui : Hey heh I can hear your thoughts over here , don't panic I won't doubt your decision now even if you are a ninetails host so relax

Naruto : Oh thanks..

Shisui : Naruto * bows his head *


( starts crying )

Naruto : Ofcourse , leave everything to me .