You're a Sinner

Satan Dilim, in short Sei, to avoid awkward reaction from humans whenever he introduces himself, wears his shirt neatly. This is his first day to live the life of a student.

"Hey, sinner, I look good, don't I?" He asks his butler who's waiting for him by the door.

"Yes, Sir. You look phenomenal."

Sei smirked and checked himself one more time in the mirror. "Of course, I'm perfect."

"Almost," his butler replied blankly.

Sei's eyes glared at him, it always angers him whenever someone reminds him that he's not as perfect as god. "You dare tell me that? Do you want to burn right now?" He asked as he was about to flick his finger to send the sinful human to hell.

"No, Sir-" he bows his head "-I apologize."

Sei took a deep breath and beamed a grin. Sending students is not as thrilling as assisting robbers or murderers, but it somehow makes him feel thrilled. Can he do such a simple task such as persuading a model student to cheat?

He arrived at the University after a 10-minute ride. The moment he stepped on the ground, the sinners automatically noticed his presence and turned their heads toward him.

He took a deep breath of the cold fresh air from the trees around the campus. "Can you hear that?" he asked his butler who closed the door behind him. "It's the tormented souls of these tortured students from their academic pursuits."

He flicked his fingers and everyone around him went their way and acted as if they didn't stop the moment Sei arrived.

While on his way towards the university's main building, he bumped into a lady with short black hair. It didn't bother him much since it felt like he just bumped into a pillow but he was shocked to see the lady bounce downwards on the floor.

"Oh," he snorted, "Are you alright?" He leans towards the lady and offered his hand. "Come on, I apologize for bumping into you."

Ailish looks up and saw the most mesmerizing smile she ever saw. She unconciously smiled back at him and reached his hand, "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

Sei tilted his head slightly, there's something about this woman that is stirring his curious marvelous mind. He pulled her to her feet and even brushed her clothes to remove the dirt, "There, all neat," he said.

Ailish saw Nell waving his hand not far from where she's standing and there's something that snapped in her mind. What is she doing? Why did this guy brush her clothes? Why is he smiling? She bumped into him but he's still happy about it.

"Um, I have to go," she waved smiled and ran, "Sorry," she ran backwards to face Sei before meeting Nell.

Sei looked at her, "Huh, what a weird sinner that is," he muttered.

"Who was that?" Nell asks as Ailish catches up with him.

"No idea. I bumped into him," she took a deep breath to ease her tiredness from the running, "Anyway, have you finished your drawing?"

They were tasked to draw whatever caught their attention in the church they visited yesterday. Ailish decided to draw the garden while Nell drew the altar.

"Yeah." He looked around to check a spot where there are no students and pulled Ailish, "I researched the prophecy and guess what I found?"

Ailish smirked, "What?" she asked as her lips curl up higher.

"None!" Nell snorted and brushed his hair, "We're right, it was a joke."

Ailish's face went flat as she rolls her eyes, "What? Really? I was ready to dig deeper in that. I thought we already found our adventure."

Nell shrugged, he knows how interested Ailish is in mysteries and weird kinds of stuff and it did make him disappointed when he found nothing about the prophecy Nathan told them. He started walking to their room while Ailish followed him.

"But guess what I found?" Nathan asked while his eyes are focused on their way.

"What?" Ailish asked without any interest.

"According to the news, almost a hundred civilians got caught in the crossfire in the war in Gizari. They've been firing at each other for two months now," Nell clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Ailish stopped from walking, she felt her chest get drowned in sadness, anger, and pity. "How many died?" she asked with her hands on her chest.

Nell looks at her, "All of them. Around 10 kids were included." He knows how much Ailish hates hearing this kind of news- those who show inhumanity. She even cries because of this. She wants to do something, but posting on social media and signing petitions doesn't really help that much.

Ailish bites her lips, she can feel her eyes drowning in tears. She's always sensitive when it comes to humanity. She cries when she sees a good samaritan video; when she hears that innocent people, especially kids, get killed; and when she hears animals get hurt.

"Oh, please, don't cry," Nell said softly. Now he regrets telling her the news but somehow she'll find about it and still cry. He sighed and pats Ailish's head, "Let's go, we'll be late."

Ailish smiled with a frown, "You know, I'll do anything just to give peace to this world. I want everyone to accept and love each other. That's all I want."

Nell looks at Ailish, "When you say those words, you really sound different and that's impossible-" he opened the door for Ailish and entered their half-full room, "-whatever you do, our world is sick. You can't change everyone."

Ailish sat on her chair, "I know. That is why I can only cry. I can only shed my tears for our pitiful world," she rolled her eyes and smiled. "But all I can do is hope, right?" She took her notes out but a thought struck her mind. She looks at Nell who's sitting beside her and touched his arms to get his attention.

"What if-" she smiled widely, "The devil becomes an angel? Will everything turn good?" she asked.

Nell just stared at her with a weirded out expression. Ailish nodded her head, "Yes, maybe. But that prophecy's not true."

Nell shakes his head and snorted, "That is impossible. He's the devil, not THE angel."

Ailish didn't notice Nell and just continued forming her ideas if ever the prophecy is real but, she has to find that Child of God first.

"Got any idea who the 'Child of God' is?" she asks Nell who groaned and shakes his head.

"Stop hoping. And can't you see? If that prophecy is real, do you even know what will happen if he turns back into an angel?"

"Yeah, the world will be a better place?"

"Wonder what will happen to those who run around in hell, torturing sinners?"

"They'll turn into an angel?"

Nell blankly stares at Ailish, "What? Do you think our world will suddenly turn into euphoria once the devil and the demons turn into angels? We still have humans, and guess what? Humans are sinners and sinners turn into demons."

"So, what? You mean, we, humans, are demons?"

Nell shrugged his shoulders and leaned on the chair, "I don't know. It never crossed your mind? That maybe we're living in hell already since we keep on receiving painful things that feel like torture?"

"Well..." Alish rests her chin on her hand, "Maybe."

Sei enters his first class and did what he wants to do. He made everyone in the class cheat during their class activity. Of course, the teacher didn't notice. He even sat beside the class role model and made sure he'll be the mastermind of the sin they committed. He passed the notes to his classmates and now, everyone received a perfect score.

"Oh my god," the class role model whispered while looking around and realizing what he did.

Sei snorted. "It was not god, it was the devil," he whispered and left the class.

The first person he saw was Ailish walking with Nell. They look serious. Sei smirked and was planning to bump into them when he heard what they were talking about.

"I wonder, will God forgive Lucifer or Satan, if he asks for forgiveness?" Ailish asks.

Nell curled his lips in wonder, "I don't know. I'm not god."

"Ever wonder, maybe the prodigal son was Satan?"

"No, my mind's pure and I never wondered about those things, Ailish."

They stopped when they saw Sei standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at Ailish. They wrinkled their brows as he walks towards them. He looks stunned.

"What else do you wonder?" Sei asks as his lips curl into a grin.

"Well..." Alish squinted her eyes while thinking, "Will the devil turn back into an angel? What will happen to him once God claims his children?"

Sei's eyes were filled with excitement, "You're a sinner," he said.

Ailish and Nell got offended, they looked at each other and stepped on Sei's foot with all the strength they have.

"Well, you're a jerk!" Ailish said under her breath.