water 7 and enies lobby

The whole foxy fiasco ended shortly. when Kuzan was spotted by robin and attacked them Elton didn't act for he respected luffy's decision to fight him solo.

After battling the straw hat pirates found a huge frog and luffy wanted to eat it. they followed the frog and went into the tracks. they were almost ran over by the sea train.

that's when they met the train conductor kokoro and her granddaughter chimney and her pet rabbit. the straw hats talk and ask where they can get their ship fix kokoro replied saying their logpost will lead them to water 7 where they can meet iceburg and get their ship fix.


It's been a long journey I'm having fun in this new world. But I think I'm getting too attach. I lost my motivation to kill; I'm being soft.

Maybe after the battle with moria I'll go alone and finally make a name for myself for now I'll stay silent.

Water 7 is a neat place there's a lot of stuff to do. I have a few million bailey to spare so I spent my time searching for materials to make paper bombs.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong with my training. before this life I was a master of kenjutsu and ninjutsu. but when I transfered to this world I haven't touch a blade.

why you ask?

Cause in this world where a sword strike can destroy an entire island while my sword was only good at piercing defenses much like kakashi's chidori but for a blade. my chakra affinity was lightning. I excel at assassination. thanks to my medical ninjutsu training as a child I knew where exactly to target them where they won't die too quickly then i would torture them and gain info.

I also studied the eight gates but gave up when i was at the 4th gate cause it was too hard. instead I focus on my ninjutsu. I tried to copy 4th hokages hiraishin but failed. Ever since i started this life I tried to copy it. and at the age of 18 I finally did and as for the eight gates I manage to reach the initial level of 6th gate it still strain my body a lot so I don't use it at all.

From my previous life I didn't manage to do a lot but in this life I finally manage to do some.

I need to find a haki teacher but I don't know where to find one.

For now I meditate and try to increase my chakra storage.

We've finally reach water 7 I immediately went to places and mark my hiraishin.

"Hey, Elton we're gonna find iceburg wanna join us?" the voice was from luffy I agreed to join them.


the straw hat pirates manage to reach galley-la company and found out he was the mayor of water 7 and the president of galley-la company. kaku then visited the ship and found out that the ship cant be fixed.

Luffy decided to change ships.

true to the story usopp was rob of the money and they fought with the franky family.

then usopp found out luffy was gonna change ship he was angry and challenged luffy to a duel.

the two fought and luffy won.

the crew was framed to be the attacker of iceburg much to eltons dismay cause his thought process was "If I wanted to kill someone no one would find a trace of them"

the plot continued

the straw hat pirates waited for the attackers and found out that lucci and the gang were goverment agents.

lucci defeated the straw hat pirates minus elton and sanji who was still on watch outside.

the crew then went to the prototype sea train called rocketman and road off to chase the sea train.


I know this scene it's one of the scene that ingraves in one's mind for a long time. zoro and luffy making a hole through a tsunami.

since I'm gonna fight later today might as well help them.

I made a series of hand signs.

this will be the first time i drew my blade.

chakra embodied my sword. my personal jutsu that made me have a name for myself. a mix of wind and lightning transformation.

in the original story they only made a hole but now it's cut in half.

I exhausted half my chakra for it.

I need to lie down and meditate.


The straw hats pirates manage to get pass the large tsunami and reach enies lobby.

the plot continued and they fought with the marines reaching over a a thousand casualty.

straw then reach the courthouse roof.


So this is it the day my name along with luffy and the gang spread throughout the world. I can't wait


it's starting. time to show the world what I can do.


the straw hats declared war against the world government.

the plot was change slightly with the cp9 members one by one being taken down except for lucci.

but the buster call happened and the straw hats escape using the going merry.