Chapter 151:Divine Oracle Physique

On a faraway planet, there existed an empire known as 'Esteria '. It was an empire surrounded by beautiful greenery. Two suns were high above in the sky providing the necessary warmth to the planet. 

"Mingyu!!! Wake up! How long are you going to sleep? It's already afternoon!!"  A beautiful woman who looked to be in her early twenties was waking up a girl who was sleeping comfortably in her bed.

"Ahh.... just one more minute. I'll wake up I promise" The girl replied in her childish tone. 

"You are saying the same thing from the last hour. Come on!! When will you start acting responsibly?" The woman said in an annoyed tone as she tugged at the blanket of the girl. 

"Why do I need to start acting responsibly? I have such a loving father and mother. I don't want to be responsible. I just want to enjoy the comfort of life, " The girl said with a chuckle. 

"Little girl, your father is waiting for you! " The woman said in a low voice with a tired look on her face.