Chapter 155: History is repeating

Prince Lu had just spoken when the girl slowly but steadily opened her eyes.

"So you found out…I was hoping that you never find out but it looks like that isn't possible now. I made you worried, didn't I?" She muttered in a soft voice.

"Don't be silly. What's there to be worried about? Instead, I'm happy that I'm going to become a father " Prince Lu Wang said as he hid his worries behind a slight smile.

"But… Your marriage? " The girl asked with a sad look in her eyes.

"I'll go talk to my father about a solution. I can't break the marriage to the princess but I can try convincing him to let me keep you…" Prince Wang said as he gazed in the girl's eyes with an emotional look on his face.

"You don't need to go through the trouble. You're marrying a Princess of another empire, not a commoner. War could ensue because of your wrong decision...I can take care of this baby on my own" The girl replied in a low voice as she looked towards the roof.