Chapter 157: Seer of Destiny

"Make the body disappear forever," Prince Zen said to the man standing near him. He turned around but became shocked as he saw a horse standing at some distance from m and a girl sitting on top of that horse.

"What's she doing here!!! The Princess can't be allowed to bring this news back to the Empire!!! Grab her and kill her!!! " Prince Zen ordered as he looked at the girl in the distance. 


"Can't believe brother has a secret lover!!! He didn't even tell me. I must see what my secret sister in law looks like. It's worth the trouble to sneak out without informing anyone. Can't let brother get caught for my curiosity" Princess Mingyu muttered as she strode her horse towards the southern edge of the Empire.

She reached near the spot that was mentioned in the letter yet she couldn't help but halt her horse as she saw the scene ahead.