Chapter 204: If only

"Have I become immune to the deaths of those that are not related to me?" Long Chen wondered as he opened the door of the Yu Clan mansion and entered inside.

Long Chen stepped inside the mansion and walked through the long hallway. There was a big garden at the end of the hallway. The garden only had grass and plants, but there were no trees as far as his eyes could see.

There were walkways made of tiles in the garden that diverged in various directions at multiple points. Long Chen looked around the garden as he grew confused. The structure of this building was one of the most confusing that he had seen.

There were around 25 paths and each path led to a different hallway.

"It's gonna be much more difficult than I had initially assumed. I need to find someone to lead me to them." Long Chen muttered to himself as he looked around.

He finally chose a pathway and stepped towards the hallway it led to. Long Chen entered the hallway as he continued forth.