Chapter 165: You can't leave

" How can the Jiandie Pavilion not have any information about it?" Long Chen asked with a stunned look on his face. 

"There's a good chance that the Empire you are talking about doesn't exist in this continent. That's the only possible explanation I can come up with. If you want information from other continents, you must get it from the branches of the empires that reside in this continent." The man replied to Long Chen before he turned his gaze downwards to look at his book.

"Can you tell me about the nearest empires where we can go to get this information? " Long Chen asked again in a kind manner. 

"As this information is not that big a secret, it will cost you only five white gold coins," The man said to them without looking upwards. 

"Here..." Without taking any time, Long Chen placed the coin on the table in front of that middle-aged man. 

"You must be from a pretty rich family... Alright. Here, take this. " The man smiled as he gave a book to Long Chen.