Chapter 191: Blocked path

"Watch as your destiny destroys everything you hold dear," The masked man said as he smiled.

Long Chen slowly lowered his sword which was dripping with blood.

"Will you choose family or love... It would be interesting...." The masked man muttered as he disappeared. Long Chen slowly began disappearing as well.

" Stooop!!!! " Mingyu screamed loudly as she extended her hand towards his direction. The whole place shattered like glass as her eyes opened.

She looked around with a sweating face as she breathed heavily.

"Did you have a bad dream? " Came a voice from her side. She turned her head only to find Long Chen sitting there with his eyes closed and beside him sat Zhiqing who was now looking at him with a worried look on her face.

"Yea, it was a bad dream" Mingyu muttered with a confused look on her face. She couldn't help but gaze at Long Chen's face carefully.