Chapter 196: Hunter

"Well, we tried going for their help last time out of concern... but it was unneeded. Though this time I'm sure that they are really in trouble. Let's go help them... It's a good chance to impress Princess Maia. Also, That group of beasts will definitely attack us after they are finished with Huanji. We should join up with them." Prince Lan said with a slight smile on his face.

"Good thinking..." Royal Tutor chuckled as he glanced towards Huanji Camp.

"Guards!! Get ready to face some beasts. Be on the defensive and don't get hurt!! Prince Lan said loudly as he faced all the guards.

To the guards, Prince Lan looked like the epitome of bravery. To them, he looked like a brave general who was ready to face monsters to save the comrades.

"Long live the Prince!!!" One of the guards abruptly shouted out of sheer excitement. All his comrades looked at him before they started chanting the same thing.