Chapter 244: Are you sure? (*)

"I know about it. Don't worry... I won't force you. I promise." Long Chen with a gentle smile on his face. He brought his face closer to Mingyu's and kissed her soft lips.

"But I can still kiss..." He smiled as he gazed in her eyes.

"You..." Mingyu was about to say something when Long Chen again closed her lips with his. Surprisingly, Even Mingyu began responding to Long Chen's kiss with passion.

Both of them embraced each other tightly as they tasted each others' lips. The kiss lasted for around 3 minutes before they separated their lips.

"That's enough for the night. You should sleep now. We need to get up early in the morning to resume our journey after all." Mingyu gazed at Long Chen and said in a gentle tone.

"I'll listen to my wife tonight, but after this..." Long Chen said in a serious tone but stopped midway as he again kissed Mingyu.

The kiss this time was longer and lasted for around 5 minutes. Both of them looked breathless as they separated their lips.