Chapter 252: I was wrong

"He must be out somewhere. He said that he would cultivate outside for the night." Even Zhiqing wasn't sure about Long Chen's exact location. She thought that he would be near the camp, but she couldn't see him.

"It's alright. Let him cultivate. We can take care of the small-time goons." Ji Shan said as he long at the man coming towards them with an amused look on his face. 

"I see two Earth Realm cultivators. One is a 4th stage Earth Realm while the other is a second stage Earth Realm. All the others are in the gold core realm. Do you want to have fun or should I take care of them myself? " He asked as he looked towards Mingyu. He could see her cultivation and knew how strong she was. He even had a feeling that she was stronger than her cultivation realm.

"You can do it. I'm not interested in fighting." Mingyu said without much expression on her face.

"Awesome." A bright smile appeared on his face. He gripped the sword in his hand as he stepped forward.