Chapter 254: I thought you would join

" You are forcing my hand. I didn't want to use it, but I don't care anymore. You need to die. " The bearded man fumed in anger as he started swinging his hammer even faster.

While fighting with Ji Shan, he subtly brought out a talisman and threw it at Ji Shan.

Ji Shan was busy fending off the man's attack and by the time he noticed the talisman... it was too late.

The talisman burst and Ji Shan flew away like a broken kite. He collided with his tent, but still didn't stop. He was trapped by the cloth of the tent as he flew back. He crashed a hundred meters away from his original position.

Long Chen saw everything as a frown appeared on his face, but he didn't get down. He didn't feel like he had a need to. Since the opponent of the Chief was still fine.

"A 9 sun fiery talisman. You are able to find such a powerful Earth Grade rampant, that's quite interesting. Too bad that it is wasted for nothing. " A mocking voice came from some distance.