Chapter 257: Searching for God Beast

"Every day your heart demon is inside the cocoon, which is another day for you to get stronger to face it. So no killing and no sex for the next 14 days! " Xun glared at Long Chen as she said as if she was giving an order.

"Yes, my queen." Long Chen chuckled as he lay down on the bed. 

"Hmph. Finally, you learned to address me properly." A proud smile formed on Xun's face as she heard Long Chen call her queen.

"Hahaha. If it makes you that happy, I don't mind calling you queen, but only if you call me King." Long Chen responded jokingly.

" Hmph. In your dreams." Xun said.

She disappeared again, leaving Long Chen alone.

"She's quite fun to tease." Long Chev muttered as he smiled.

"I can hear you, bastard!" Xun's angry voice appeared in his head.

"I was kidding." Long Chen replied with a wry smile on his face. Xun didn't reply.

Long Chen fell asleep after some time.
