Chapter 261: Beast forest

Mikan was visibly shocked as she heard it. She looked at Long Chen with an impossible look on her face.

" What? Little Brother, I thought that you were a cute little puppy, but you turned out to be a wolf in disguise. Were you planning to eat Elder sister as well?" She let out in a fake scared tone.

" I have no such intention." Long Chen replied as he freed himself from her arms stepped backward.

A smile formed on her face as she saw Long Chen moving back.

"Hmm... I wouldn't mind if it's you though." She said in a suggestive tone as she winked at him.

"No thanks, Anyways, Can you show us around first? " Long Chen said.

" Uhmm... Little brother is so harsh. It's fine though. The Elder Sister likes harsh men. " She said as she winked at Long Chen.

" Alright, don't look at me like that. I was only kidding. Follow me. I'll show you around." Mikan said as she gestured to them to follow her.

They all began following her.