Chapter 325: Darkness

"Once I master it, I would be able to use my Qi for many more things. I can even use it as a Shield and that would work as well as a Gold Grade Sword since I'm in Earth Realm," Long Chen muttered.

With a pleased look on his face, Long Chen began reading the next page of the skill book. It described how one should improve his control of Qi. The next page talked about how the flow of Qi inside the body should be like.

It also talked about making various weapons and maintaining them outside without losing control of them.

Long Chen could already imagine himself using a bow made of Qi, and firing an arrow made of Qi. He could also see himself using a scythe, a blade, a sword, and a shield.

The skill was so useful in real-life battles. The only downside was that the weapon created by the Qi would be one realm lower than his actual cultivation. That might be bad if his opponent had a higher grade artifact.