Chapter 329: Assassination attempt

After 3 more days of flying, Long Chen had entered the Kingdom of Dimentia.

It took him 6 more hours to get to it's Royal City that was known as the Bright Moon City.

The Kingdom of Dimentia was a 1st rank Kingdom that was ruled by the Rui Clan.

Originally, the Rui Clan wasn't the Royal Clan.

That was a time when the Rui Clan was just the third strongest clan in the Kingdom of Dementia. The strongest clan at that time was the Wu Clan that was also the Royal Clan of the Kingdom. The second strongest clan was the Mu clan at that time.

The whole hierarchy changed during the rule of the 15th king.

The King had 4 brothers and no sisters. Since he was quite insecure and he worried about his throne, he had his brothers executed.

He was also worried that the kids of his brothers might come for revenge when they grow up, that's why he had them executed as well.

Just like that, only the King was left in the Royal Clan. He was only 24 years old when he did all that.