Chapter 337: He lied to me

"Use the time you're going to spend here wisely and think about your wrongdoings. I hope that you'll be a better person when you come out," The Crown Prince said to the Second Prince before he left.

Only the Second Prince remained inside the cell. Even the guards didn't go near him. They weren't sure if they should treat him as a Prince or as a prisoner now.

"Is the Second Prince really a prisoner now? Should we treat him like a Prince or as a prisoner?" One of the guards whispered to his partners.

"Even I'm not sure. This might be temporary after all. Let's treat him with respect, but don't give him any facilities inside the prison. Let him live the life of a prisoner for as long as he's inside," Another guard replied.

The other guards nodded their heads in affirmation at the suggestion and got back to guarding the place.

5 minutes had passed since the Crown Prince left the place when the Second Prince spoke, alerting the guards.

"Guards!" The Second Prince called out.