Chapter 388: He's dead

Many disciples have thought of the same thing as he was thinking now, and they have even tried it and failed.

"How about we use our flying beasts? If we don't step on the stairs, we won't be under the gravitational pull, and then we should be able to get to the top as well?" Dai Hu gave another suggestion.

"That seems possible. We can try that," Chu Miao agreed.

Long Chen also nodded his head as this idea made sense, but he still felt as if this couldn't be as simple.

Chu Miao tapped on her beast bag as she tried to bring her Winged Tiger out, but nothing happened.

"Why can't I bring my flying beast out? You try it!" She told Dai Hu.

Dai Hu also tried bringing his beast out, but it didn't work.

"It should be some restriction on the Divine Heaven Sect. We can't use our beast here," Long Chen told them. He had also tried calling out Orion and the Snake Monarch, but it didn't work.