Chapter 391: The First Kiss

Even though there was a chance that the gravitational force didn't work on the ones going down, he didn't take the risk. He didn't want to face the full force of the 100th step.

Long Chen walked behind the building and saw Chu Miao sitting there.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I was just getting bored waiting for you. Anyway, did you see what was inside? What did you find? Were there any treasures from the list in there?" she inquired.

"It was a library. There were only books inside, which are impossible to read as they are all in Ancient languages. I'll be going to the second building, so you might have to wait a little longer," Long Chen told her.

"It's alright. It's not like I can enter. I'm weak after all," Chu Miao said self depreciatingly.

"It's not that. Even I myself can't enter the place without having to cheat, so don't think that you're weak," Long Chen told her before he turned back to leave.