Chapter 399: Secret of Heaven

Long Chen stepped towards the hut with Chu Miao following closely behind.

Manxiang Li and the others had gone their different ways as they wanted to look for treasures separately; thus, Long Chen was alone with Chu Miao at the moment as he walked to the Hut.

Long Chen got near the hut and started to observe it from the outside.

It seemed to be a hut made entirely from wood, but it seemed as if the wood was starting to decay.

Long Chen used his Divine Sense to look inside the hut, but even then, he wasn't able to see inside the place.

It was the first time his Divine Sense had failed to see inside a place he wanted to see, which he found strange considering the fact that it was made from simple looking wood.

He stepped towards the door and tried opening it, but it didn't open. The door was locked.

"It needs a key," he muttered as he noticed the keyhole.