Chapter 415: Stupid

"I don't know who it was. It is a Divination, not a vision. I didn't even know your face, but I knew how I would meet you," Chu Miao explained to Long Chen as she smiled slightly.

"Can you at least tell me how old that someone who might die is?" Long Chen asked again.

"I don't know that either. All I know is that the person will be very close to you. From what I can gather, they might be your family or your lover. It's also possible for them to be your friend if there's a friend you're willing to give your life for," Chu Miao told Long Chen as she stood like an experienced elder with her hand behind her back.

"How much time do I have?" Long Chen asked her.

His thinking was simple. If he had time, he wouldn't need to worry about anything.

'If I have enough time, I might be able to form my inner world and keep them safe there,' 

"Even though the Divination was Vague, I believe that It should be one year," The spirit told him.