Chapter 425: I'm not a skill

The room they now found themselves in was just as small as the first room where the teleportation formation was.

There was not much space in the room, but they did find a small table in front of them.

There were two bowls on the table. One of the bowls was red, whereas the second bowl was Golden. Both these bowls had a dragon carved on them.

The red bowl had a longer dragon that seemed to be big enough to wrap the bowl three times, the golden bowl had a shorter dragon who only wrapped the bowl around two times, but the golden dragon had a horn on its head which the red dragon didn't.

Long Chen stepped forth and looked inside the bowls and saw that both these bowls were filled with liquid.

Surprisingly enough, the red bowl had golden liquid inside, whereas the golden bowl had the red liquid inside, which seemed like blood.

"It looks like a choice if I'm not wrong. Most probably, you need to drink from one of the bowls," Xun told Long Chen.