Chapter 432: Effects?

"You're sick; your whole family is sick! I was in the middle of my sleep, and you brought me out to handle those trash! How do you expect my mood to be! Send me back before I start cursing your ancestors!" the Snake Monarch said in a cranky tone.

"Geez, calm down. You can sleep as long as you want now," Long Chen said with a wry smile on his face.

He sent the Snake Monarch back to his Beast Region.

Orion also walked up to Long Chen.

Long Chen patted the head of Orion as he said, "Good work Orion."

He sent Orion back to his beast region as well. He also put the Flute of War and his weapons in his storage ring.

He walked towards the body of the Elders and took the rings from their fingers.

"The elders must have some decent resources. It would be good to collect them. The ones that aren't of use to me, I can give them to the clan. The clan will only get strong," he muttered as he took the ring of every Elder.