Chapter 506: Secret Identity

"Let me guess. You have a special Physique," Long Chen let out as he understood what was happening.

Mu Fan had already told him about people that had special Physiques, which gave them special abilities.  Mu Fan had the ability of eyes related to various natural resources diagnosis. He felt like this girl had a similar ability, which made her able to see through objects.

"Can you see through objects?" Long Chen asked.

"You know about special Physiques. Interesting. You are right," She replied as she nodded her head.

"That's an interesting ability. Anyway, why were you imprisoned, and who are you? You still haven't answered that," Long Chen let out as he placed his hand on the bars of her cell.

"I would let you out after you answer. I don't care for whatever you did, but I do need to know. You will be free after that," he added.

"I talked bad about the Little Elder, and someone complained about me to the pirates," the girl replied to Long Chen.