Chapter 512: Long Chen's worries

After they left the room, Long Chen sat up as he sighed.

Xun appeared beside Long Chen and sat on the bed.

"You're inside the Ghost Temple, and you're the son of an Elder, what now? What is the plan next?" Xun asked Long Chen, wondering about his plan.

'I hadn't thought about this, but I'm in big trouble,' Long Chen replied to Xun as he laid down on the bed with a frown.

"Why? Isn't this all going well? Now, you don't need to worry about getting caught. You already have an excuse of amnesia for any mistakes that you make," Xun replied.

'You don't see what I see. Did you even see the Cultivation of the woman?' Long Chen asked Xun.

"The mother of the guy you're impersonating? I didn't look at her Cultivation. What about that?" Xun inquired.

'She is a Heaven Realm Cultivator,' Long Chen replied, shaking his head.