Chapter 540: Remnants of the Past

"Should I try going through the lower floors? Since the lower floors have security on all higher formations, no special thing should be needed for them," Long Chen thought as he frowned.

He stepped out of the formation. Since there was no way to go through here, he wanted to take a long way. Waiting here was worse than going through the long way. He believed that if his hunch were right, then he would definitely reach the Twenty-Fourth floor from the lower floor.

Long Chen stepped on his sword and started flying. The sword flew towards the formation that was to lead to the twelfth floor. 

He wanted to go to the twelfth floor since he knew that it was the highest floor whose Map he could see using his disciple badge. That's why it was easier for him to find the formation of the Twenty-Fourth floor on the twelfth floor.

He stepped inside the teleportation formation. This time, the formation started shining, and he was teleported to the twelfth floor.