Chapter 552: Secret of Little Snow(I)

He reached out and touched Little Snow, but just as he touched her, his expressions changed.

Long Chen found out that this wasn't an illusion. What he was seeing was actually there. Little Snow had turned into a Devil Hunter Beast.

He looked towards Xun, hoping to find an answer from her, but she seemed even more shocked than he was. She kept muttering that it's impossible.

"Xun, what's actually happening here?" Long Chen asked her.

"Something that should be impossible! How could it happen! It doesn't make sense!" She muttered as she looked at Little Snow blankly.

"What's impossible? What's happening? Tell me!" Long Chen asked her. He was getting impatient while he was worried.

"The Ancient Myriad Beast!" Xun muttered the four words as she pointed towards Little Snow.

"Ancient Myriad Beast? What's that?" Long Chen asked her.

Xun took a deep breath as she tried to calm her beating fast.