Chapter 562: Loving the new wife

"Wait a minute. You kissed my mother, as well. Did you think of it like that and enjoy it too?" Ming Lan asked as she thought about it.

"Of course, I liked it. Your mother is a really pretty woman, but it was before we were married," Long Chen replied as he smiled wryly.

"Anyway, let me introduce you to my mother and my grandfather," Long Chen told her to divert her mind.

He sent his consciousness inside the Fake World and brought out his mother and his grandfather.

"Before you guys say something, let me introduce you to Ming Lan. She's my wife," Long Chen told his mother and grandfather as soon as she came out.

"Another one?" Both Long Ren and Sima Ziyi exclaimed with a shocked look on their faces.

"I guess you took the meaning of the words too literally," Long Ren let out with a wry smile on his face.

"What words?" Long Chen inquired in confusion.

"The more, the better," Long Ren responded as he shook his head.